boring Q&A i guess

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Alright I got at least TWO questions. I am very happy with the outcome. I really am really happy. JK everyone i just wanted to tell you all about myself so here ya go!

first question is from prostarfox

What gave you the idea to write a story like this one? How many parts do you believe this story will hold?

Well I can get more into it when I talk about my relationship, but I was super depressed about my old girlfriend and then I just started typing. After writing a few drafts, one of my friends told me that it was pretty good so I just rolled with it you know? For the number of parts, I don't know actually. I myself think that I'm the type of writer who thinks of the plot of a story as he/she's already writing it. I kinda am doing that with the story, so I don't know how many. A lot tho my friend (i hope)

the next is from toxic_parasite! :

Weird question but, if you were stuck with a mental disorder, which one would you pick and why? Idk why, I just thought of it lel.

If I had to have one mental disorder, no joke, I would pick Tourettes Syndrome. My younger sister who is now in High School as well, freshman (lol that kid), has a minor form of it and I can't imagine the anxiety that she goes through with it. I kinda want it just to see. No offense, I'm serious.  I think that every mental disorder is a horrible thing, I seriously have just sat there in bed or in class sometimes thinking that I wish they weren't a thing in this world, you know? All the people, including my younger sister, I know with disorders are incredibly nice people and I just wish they didn't have to go through with that. 

Name my dud? : My name is Jack Brachus [(yep like the greek fuckin god) close enough]

Gender? : I'm a guy. My nationality is white, but my dad is actually orthodox russian so i'm pretty tan and I can't get pale or anything, so alot of people think i'm hispanic :P one of my mexican friends calls me esteban as a joke i dont understand ples save me

My relationship? : I like to think that I'm not gay, no offense to gay guys or gals, but I am dating a guy. The story behind it is kinda weird so i hope 'yall understand :P

So a few months ago I found out my gf was cheating on me with another girl and I got really Zuper depressed. I was down in the dumps as you could say in class bc I think of myself as a very active student. I study most days in my room and I don't do sports... pretty nerdy huh...

So my teachers got kinda scared that I couldn't save myself from the slump so they even asked about what went wrong, but I couldn't tell anyone bc I was Zuper embarrassed and sad and full of anxiety. This guy I knew however, his name is Freyton and he is Zuper sporty. Well he isn't sporty but he's a jock sort of, so I always was confused of why he hung out with me...

Anyways he came over and we started hanging out like usual before he briefly and very carefully asked me what was up and I just couldn't hold it in and told him. He kinda seemed confused so i had to explain it like twice. He's not dumb or anything just kinda dense sometimes you know?

So after telling him I remembered it all over again, and that only happened like a week before so i was still pretty broken up, and I actually broke down and starting bawling in the middle of the conversation. I guess he felt bad and thought he made me cry (like i said, dense) and hugged me pretty tightly 

I asked what was wrong and he just apologized

>>WARNING WARNING SOME SMEXY STUFF<< (whoa never done that before it feels weird to warn people about my own stuff you know :l)

anyway we kinda just sat there for like 5 minutes, and when we stopped hugging he kinda just kissed me ....... at first it was kinda gentle but he got more intense and i kinda just fell into it because I couldn't handle it.... so after a few more minutes we finally fully parted and than he hugged me again and started apologizing... again.... 

for some reason i thought he was kinda cute because of it and made the mistake of just pecking his forehead and saying "no problem"... that was the start of the most confusing and embarrassing thing in my life, even worse than the gf thing

so he actually lost it kinda and started kissing me alot and threw me on the bed and shit so we were making out i guess and than my fuckin mom walked in dud

my fuckin pure ass mom who thought i liked girls...

well it was fuckin painful dud my heart was beating so fast dud usain bolt got nothing on me

anyway he calls me jackie and i call him frey and we gay for each other now i guess

the reason i said im not particularly gay is that i get that im dating a guy but im not attracted to other guys, just him, like im still into girls but it's like he's the exception

also my OLDER sister is a huge fujoshi and she's in college and the day she found out is that she came home and i was watching movies with him and he fuckin fell asleep on my shoulder and SO CUTE IM DYING PLEASE DOCTOR PLEASE SAVE ME

anyway she saw that and was breathing pretty heavy so you know i think we were her meal that night i dunno you tell me 

also he's insistent that i am an official uke after my older sister had a "talk" with him so you know im a fuckin girl in the relationship so yeah i guessssss

Anyways now that that is out of the way my final FUN facts are that my favorite subject in school is history (surprising right?) and my favorite foods are marshmallows and blueberries... 


you know from my knowledge of fanfic and stuff i guess i do qualify to be a certified uke... i dunno dude.... i guess i really am

this is the official part where i just type whats on my mind and im just showing you all my personality i guess

anyways if i have to end this with one legendary quote ill go for the best quote possible that works for ukes of both gay and lesbian relationships


oh yeah and also im 17 so Frey waiting for my bday for obvious reasons (save my butt ples)

but shit that scary stuff dud im really spooked about whats going to happen bc he's already 18 and im in just a few more days on august 14th, or in other words Monday so he's going to bully me in school about it (seriously save my butt its not a joke)

last question is my favorite goes to __theocurrent__ and that is :

will there be yaoi or not??

Well... in a few days there may be yaoi going in my room but besides that in the story if you all want yaoi or lemon, i will probably do it or not its if you all really want it but if anyone doesnt want it then i wont add full fuckin yaoi bc it might change the story slightly so sorry to my friends who want it

i mean i will be experienced in actual yaoi which i hope is not painful like one of my gay friends named Bryce has been telling me it its 

(please god save my smol body from his 6.1 tall body and his ruffian thing)

   /\ /\ /\  fuck i had to edit that part sorry everyone bc it sounded like he had a 6.1 feet long- alright im done here everyone i just wanted to fix the mistake :p

(i've been holy my whole life god just dont smite me and ruin my behind bc you think gay isnt OK please i even study everyday again now just please dont hurt meeee...)

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