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The other guys looked to Izuku as he rejected the offer to return to class the next day.

"Well, I need a parent signature on this paper, so I need to go meet my mom."

Izuku's face held an awkward smile that showed the other guys that he clearly felt uncomfortable about it. "That's alright, for now let's just keep walking!" Kirishima said as he wrapped his arms around Sero and Kaminari's shoulders and continued to walk. "Oh... sure." Sero says as they begin to be dragged. The rest of the boys follow. As they walk, Izuku follows in the back of the group, his scarred eyes watching the ground as he moved. Suddenly, a hand is found on his shoulder. Izuku raises his head to find his explosive classmate. "What's wrong, Bakugo?" Izuku asks his old friend. After the fight, Izuku had met with the entire class for introductions. 

"My names Uraraka! Me and this guy here were your friends!" The brown haired girl says as she hangs onto another boy. "My names Iida. I am the class president, so I expect good behavior." After he said that, a few of the girls laughed and he blushed a little out of embarrassment. After that a few of Izuku's old classmates walked up and gave their introductions. Soon, all that remained was one. A boy with ash-blonde hair walks up to Izuku. A smile stretched over his face. "Katsuki Bakugo" is all he said. Izuku seemed to study his face before saying "I have a feeling I've known you for a long time, is that true?" A depressing and pained face spread over his own as he responded, "No, you met me the same as everyone else." Man he wanted to hear 'Kacchan' again, but he felt like Izuku didn't deserve to be connected to him the way he was before again...

Though he went through doubts, he thought the least he could do was help him get back into line. "I'll go with you. You may need help with your mom." Izuku plastered a confused face over his own. "Did you know my mom?" Bakugo again placed the sad mask over himself. "No, you might need emotional support is all. I'll wait outside."

"Oh.... I'll take up that offer. Thanks, Bakugo! You're really nice, you know!" Izuku said with an innocent smile.

'Don't ya dare say that to me, I don't deserve those words after how I treated you before this.'

'Don't you dare forgive me. Izuku.' Bakugo was crying inside, secretly, secured where no one can figure it out. 'Don't forgive me for what I've done.'

The next day, Izuku woke up from and got dressed. He opened his dorm door to find Katsuki outside, leaning on the wall. "Ready to go?" He said to Izuku. "Y-yeah." Izuku responded with a nervous smile. The two started to walk towards the entrance. As they reached the opening of the school, they were stopped by two heroes that supposedly worked as guards. "Sorry for intruding, but due to the attack a few days ago, you need to clarify your names in order to leave or enter." They had tightened security since Izuku infiltrated the school. "Katsuki Bakugo." "Alright..." He checked his device, probably looking for Katsuki's name on the school roster. "Alright, you're clear. What's your name?" He looked to Izuku. "I-Izuku Midoriya." The guard nodded and looked to his tablet before his eyes widened. "I-Izuku, right?" "Yes sir." "Alright, you are on here too, you can go." The two continued their walk. Behind them the pair heard some gossipy words. 

"That's that one kid!"

"Which one?"

"The one that attacked the school!"

"Huh, impossible, they wouldn't let a filthy villain into UA."

Izuku shuddered at the words. Katsuki noticed this and said "Don't let it get to you, those rumors will be gone before you know it." His eyes remained looking forward as he walked. "Thanks, Bakugo. That makes me feel better about it." Katsuki didn't notice, but his frown curved into a smile as he heard those words.

As they finally arrived at the house, Katsuki noticed Izuku started to kneel down. "What's wrong, Izuku?" "I-I don't know... I can't keep myself from looking away from that house... It's like it's pushing me awa-" "It's not." Izuku looked to Katsuki. Over the years, other than his maturity rising, Katsuki's lack of yelling and anger has made his face seem more gentle. Peaceful, you could say. "That house is calling for your return, just like our class was and still is. Go ahead. I'll be right behind you." Izuku nodded and walked up to is door.

"Knock Knock." Izuku stepped back and waited in anticipation. A few minutes later, the door was opened to reveal a woman with black hair and green highlights to match Izuku's. Her hair was straighter than his of course. Her body had re-slimmed back down the past two years for obvious reasons. She had dark bags under her eyes that seemed to not contain any light. 

"Hello, my names Izuku Midoriya, is Inko Midoriya here?" The woman looked up to him quickly. Instead of what you'd expect, a red hand print found it's way onto Izuku's face. He was stunned. "I-i just wanted t-to-" "Don't come here ever again." "What?" "If you are doing this to make fun of me for losing my son, don't. Please don't." Izuku didn't know why, but he wanted to embrace her in a hug and cry. "I am Izu-" "Hello, Ms. Midoriya." Katsuki spoke up. The tired woman's head turned slightly after hearing a familiar voice. "Katsuki?" Inko said to him. "What's wrong Katsuki?" She followed up with. "I'm sorry Ms. Midoriya!" He said, words full of grief, as he got down on all fours in an apology. "W-why are you apologizing?"

"We did not come here to make fun... This is really your son, Izuku. He was never dead. I can tell you the rest of the story, just let us in." Katsuki's eyes were full of tears, but they didn't leave his face. 

Inko looked to her 'son' and studied his features. For the first time in two years, her eyes seemed to gain life. "I-Izuku?" She asked the boy.

"Yes, mother?"

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now