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The students were cut off from their talking by a loud voice. "TIME'S UP, ALL 3RD YEAR STUDENTS GET READY FOR THE FIRST EVENT, YEAH!" Present Mic boomed across the field. The crowd cheered in excitement. The third years all than stopped talking and separated into their individual groups. An erotic teacher with black hair took the stage. Cheers began to become louder again, especially the male heroes in the crowd. A few girls sweatdropped. "It's like this every year..." Uraraka said to Izuku while he held a confused face. "Alright, students. You all know the rules, you've all been learning them in your homerooms this past week. We can get straight to the fun." Midnight looked back to spot a big machine behind her. "We will use this to decide what game you will play first." She switched a lever, and words started spinning on and off the screen like a slot machine. As it stopped the students read quietly. Midnight read it aloud.

"A free for all battle royal?!" What a surprise!" A few students looked to her in disbelief. "Isn't this rigged to be the event planned?" Neito asked. "N-no this year we have multiple choices, this is the one I was excited for though." Midnight smiled deviously. After thinking, the students slowly turned confused glares at the 18+ only hero to wicked smiles. "The rules for this match are as follows. Everyone will participate in this fight. Once knocked out of the arena, you are out. Once unable to move, you are out. Once you concede with words, you are out. No destroying the field." She looked to the bomb and the one for all user standing next to each other with confused glares. "And no intentionally going out of your way to hurt someone beyond the boundary of their own power. Let them concede if they need. The rules are basically like the individuals at the end of the day, but with all of you!" She yelled with a giggle. "The only difference is the amount of players you knock out is your placing! Also, a ball the size of a basketball has been placed on the top of a fountain in the middle of the field. If you are holding it when the game ends, you get first place! The timer will start with one hour!"

The other students looked around at each other and smiled. Some clearly were signaling to make a group, some were making declarations of war. As Midnight finally took her spot back in the staff box in the bleachers, the field was set. All the students stood around the edges of the arena. Whispers could be heard from the crowd. Izuku looked around from under the hood. 'So this is what a sports festival is, huh. This looks pretty fun.'

Before he could continue thinking, a whistle blew to signal the start of the single-rounded match. All students ran towards either their groups, or their rivals.

The grassy field was a war zone of quirks, as every member of every class battled it out for supremacy. Izuku finally made it to the middle of the field to find students climbing over each other to reach for the ball. As a student finally grabbed it, he started to run off with it.

The class 1-A's president flew around the field in his highest speed, holding a ball in between his arms tucked against his chest. The crowd boomed as the intensity of the war became a higher. Even though around twenty students had already been eliminated, the entire classes 1-A and 1-B remained.  The commentators, Aizawa and Present Mic, spoke in the box about the match. "In first place, class 1-A's Tenya Iida! His quirk, Engine, allows him to easily maneuver around other players with his high speed engine-legs! As long as there is no one faster than him, he is set for first place the entire ga-" "He's not safe." Aizawa cut him off. "Iida knows more than anyone who to avoid the most. If you watch his movements, he's dodging the middle of the field specifically, where people like class 1-B's Neito Monoma, who can copy engine, or class 1-A's Kaminari Denki, who can hit huge spaces at a time. As well as class 1-A's newest student, who is the most danger to him." Aizawa continued. "Iida isn't doing this with ease, but caution."

As Iida ran, he watched the middle of the field for the players that were separating the fight to either chase him or fight each other. 'There's President, Kaminari, Izu- Where's Midoriya?!' Before he could react a fist planted itself into Iida's chest. A hooded man whispered "No hard feelings?," before Iida was sent flying out of the arena, dropping the ball. "Class 1-A's Deku is taking the lead with his seventh elimination, even if not, he had the ball now." Aizawa reported through the mic. "D-deku?" Present Mic asked. Aizawa smiled. "Just a nickname."

Several students ran towards the hooded fighter before being wiped out with single punches. Weld, Beast, Twin Impact. Members of class 2-B started dropping like flies to Izuku's strength. Suddenly, an enormous hand had grabbed him out of no where. "What is this?!" Izuku yelled before noticing the orange haired Kendo smiling behind it. "My quirk, remember? You couldn't break out of it before, so you probably can't now, can you?" She said cockily.

Bad choice. The fighting suddenly stopped as a cold aura filled the arena, freezing heroes and students alike. They all turned to look at the girl holding Izuku. The hood covering Izuku's face seemed to not be able to hide the ominous glare. "You think that's strong enough?" He asked before stretching his arms up, breaking her hand in the process. She whelped in pain before her collar was grabbed, pulling her up to the wicked smile on Izuku's face. "I.... concede...." She said before he released the girl to let her tend to her hand. "The number one choice to beat the new student is out of the game! How will this turn out?!" Present Mic boomed to the crowd, which responded with hysterical screams of excitement.

The crowd may have broken out the terrifying aura, but the students on the field still stood petrified.

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now