Grief In The University

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Uraraka POV

Mr. Aizawa was serious for the first time our class, more or less anyone has ever heard from him. Our eyes widened as soon as he told us the bad news about our beloved classmate, Izuku. He was the second strongest in the class behind Todoroki, with Bakugo as third and Tokoyami as the fourth. Our gaping mouths were open to the surprise that this happened to someone this strong and this kind. "Class....I'm sorry to say that Izuku Midoriya was done in by villains while walking home yesterday evening...all the police found left were his gloves soaked in his own blood. I'm so sorry, but we need to continue to work on this course in order for you all to strengthen yourselves against stuff like this." "Stuff like this?," Bakugo suddenly, though quietly said, "A student died and your'e leaving it as 'Stuff like this'?" "I know this is a terrible event, but if you students train, you can be ready for this someday." Tears trailed down many of my classmates faces, including mine. "He was so worked up about something yesterday...." I cried, "He was so happy to fight in something like that, but he seemed to know something was going to's as if he knew he was going to be attacked..." I started crying even more, letting tears soak the papers on my desk. We had been evaluating the event from yesterday and judging everyone's own performance based on our opinions. I drew my finger around the name written in ink across the fourth place slot on the paper. 'Izuku Midoriya', it read. Tsu and Mina walked over, still slightly crying, and comforted me in a hug from both. 'How will this school still be as fun, with one of us already gone?'

Izuku POV

Doki hit me hard in the back of the head. We were in the courtyard in the middle of the hidden base we lived in. When I woke up that morning, Tori and Kiri explained to me what had happened in my past very clearly, almost strangely. "A hero named Eraser-Head and another named All Might had beaten you to a pulp, but we saved you, it's all right. We will train you to fight back starting in two hours. For now, I will explain your past. You are my son, and the quirk you have was given to you through the hero All Might. (In this story, everyone knows about One For All, bc All Might doesn't care if people know he was quirkless to begin). He gave it to you so that you would slowly destroy yourself using it, so that he could use you until you would be unable to work anymore. Then he would throw you out, but you had figured out his plan and attempted to escape. He then attacked you, leading to what I'm telling you now." "Get your act together, Izuku!" Doki is scolding me for missing my attack on the dummy twenty yards away. "If you can't do this, how will you be able to beat All Might and take revenge on the heroes who hurt you so much?" The doctor proceeded to kick my body while I laid on the ground. He had hit me with the metal glove he wore on his fist, or at least chain mail iron. 

For the next two years, I have been beaten, whipped, injected, and tortured if I couldn't do what the doctor asked me. After May of the second year, I had stopped failing my tasks, not due to being afraid of being hurt again, but because I had mastered my quirk and all combat skills I needed. "The boys reflex skills are over the top, along with his quirk, he is a true weapon." I heard Doki say that to Kiri and Tori. I didn't care. My dead, marble-like eyes had shown I gave up on actually feeling or caring a long time ago. Scars riddled my back and limbs like trophies, something even a hero would puke at. I still haven't left this facility, no free time. Suddenly, my father walked into the room. "Kiri?" I asked. "You are going out today, finally you are ready." "Where will I be going? What will I be doing?" "You will be intercepting a group of heroes that are on a class patrol around the UA today. You will eliminate all of the students, and the teachers as well. I have information that the teachers are the pro heroes Eraser-Face, and All Might. They are the ones that gave you so much pain two years ago. This is what we have been training for. You can fully control your One For All now, so I am confident that you can defeat All Might, who has weakened over time." A twisted smile appeared on your face as your eyes widened. "I accept, father...I will get revenge on those who hurt me today..."

Short one, only like 830 words in actual text. Hope you guys like this story so far...

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