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Kirishima released Izuku from his grip and continued to walk. "T-thank you." After hearing the response to those slightly embarrassing words, he smiled then as he walked he spoke back to him. "If I let you become depressed about just sleeping in the same building as us, that wouldn't be very manly." Sero looked at him and chuckled. "You know that sounded pretty girly..." "What did you say!?" Kirishima put Sero into a joking choke hold and Sero pretended to be suffocating. They then realized that they were still walking with everyone and looked around to find Bakugo laughing at them. That didn't surprise them however. What did surprise them was when they turned back around, Izuku seemed to be holding in a laugh too. "Oi, you laughing at us?" Kirishima said while scrunching his face. "No, it's not that." "Then what is it?" "Nothing..."

Iida, who had been behind the group walked up to Izuku. "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened the other night. I didn't want to really hurt you, but I may have. Please forgive me," He said while semi-bowing his head. "It's alright, Iida." Hearing his name again from his former-best friend made him smile a little. "Besides..." Izuku continued.

"I've felt worse than just a little shock..."

Izuku's eyes seemed to hold no emotion, some may think they were dead. Iida's face went pale in a mixture of thoughts he couldn't piece together. 'What is this... Fear? I know he went through more, but what was wrong with his eyes there... It's like they lost all hope once he started his sentence.' "I mean, I'm not hurt anymore so you don't have to worry about it!" Izuku broke the silence between them. Iida looked him in the eyes again. 'His eyes... Life seems to have returned to them after we stopped talking about that... I can't help but wonder what he's thinking about...' His thoughts were interrupted by none other than Kaminari. "Hey, Izuku, now that your back are you goin' to rejoin the school?" "Rejoin the school?" "Yeah. You were in our class in our first year, but now it's our third. It may have been a while, but I want you to rejoin us!" "If I could, I'd like to." Kaminari's mouth curved upwards in a victorious smile. 


"Aizawa-sensei?" "Yes, Kaminari?" Kaminari hesitated before asking. He feared that Aizawa would reject the idea he had. "C-can Izuku rejoin class 1-A with us for the last year? He may have not been here last year, but he is stronger than the rest of us. Also, he may have been with a villain for the past two years, but he never left the hideout. He never committed any crimes." 

Aizawa paused for a minute and stared at Kaminari. Kaminari felt himself tensing up out of patience. "Sorry, Kaminari. The decision for that is up to the student council. Even if that passes, the student council will have to have a conference with the school officials. I don't know if the student council will condone his retur-" "I will vouch for Izuku." Aizawa glanced over as Iida stood up. "I will talk to the student council. They will understand if I can just get them to listen." "Iida?..........." Aizawa talking for a minutes and seemed to be lost in thought. He glanced back over to him. "Alright, please do. If you need to, you may bring some of the other students with you as witnesses to Izuku of sorts." Iida displayed a big smile on his face. "Yes sir!"

After class ended, students surrounded Iida's desk. "Who will you bring?" "Think smartly, Iida." "Which ones of us do you think could do well as witnesses." Iida put his hands up to his stomach and waved to signify himself trying to tell them to calm down. "For the meeting, I will need people who have good argument skills, but also great control over their own minds. We can't afford to be angered during the meeting or Izuku will never be able to rejoin the class, more or less the school." "Control our anger? What could you mean Iida?" Tsuyu said to Iida in a confused manner. "That's right, you guys haven't been in one of these meetings before. To sum it up, the student council is made up of chosen students with quirks and ways with words that can anger or frighten other students. They use it to an advantage to push down arguments they do not like. The only reason I was able to join was my grades. I wouldn't have been able if I had average." "They're just a bunch of nerds, what's hard about that?" Bakugo sat in the front row with his feet on his desk. "Just let me at them and they won't win." "No, you are the least likely to win a conversation in that room. You are not coming." Momo then proposed an idea. "Why don't you pick the people you think will work best in the argument. You know what happens, so you can pick us based on our skill in conversation." "Good idea, Momo!" Mineta said as he tried to sneak up on her, but was ruthlessly and mercilessly slain (Lol i had to). 

"Alright. Then lets pick. Everyone line up and face me. If I say your name, walk over and stand next to me." As ordered, everyone lined up. 

"First..... let's see..... Todoroki. You have good control over your emotions and you can intimidate the other members. Intimidation leads to half-assed results."

"Second, Uraraka. You knew Izuku best, so you will serve as our witness." Uraraka blushed a little at the statement.

"Third........ Momo. You can stay calm and reserved. That would make for the best."

"Lastly, Tokoyami. I need you because as well as Momo, you are calm and reserved. Your intimidation is almost as high as Todoroki's, but the full reason is that I may need your quirk at some point during the meeting, so stay alert." 

Even if not picked as the 'Bring Back Izuku squad', the whole class was excited for the results of the meeting. If they win, Izuku can take his well deserved place back in his class of old friends. If they lose, Izuku may never rejoin them again, except when on the battlefield as a fellow hero. That is if his mental level can hold out if he can't rejoin. 

Iida confidentially entered the student council room. "President. Sorry to interrupt you if you were working, but I have a request. The boy smiled and agreed to listen. "May a few classmates and I have a debate here in three days?" "What for?" "I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you until the meeting." The president smiled again and responded. "Sounds exciting, I accept your proposition." Iida looked up and smiled. "Thank you so much! You will not regret this meeting!" Then Iida proceeded to open the door again and exited the room. 

Little did he know one of the most difficult battles was to come during that debate. 

Sorry readers if you want more action and stuff, but I really enjoyed writing this chapter, the next will be the meeting so that will be fun! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, hope you read the next as well!

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