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Liek i promised, reader~chans... oh precious reader~chans, i will continue this story as it is and i will make a yaoi version (like an alternate version) in the near future in another story... i'll tell 'yall when it starts so stay ready with those nice fans bc its getting h o t in here ok im sorry i leave now

UPDATE : sorry for changing the name but i thought it might need an actual title, not just izu-chan's name. thanks for understanding :p

UPDATE : changed dat shit again my duds

The two boys walked back to the box their class was staying in after they finished their "talk". As they walked through the entrance, a few bodies slung themselves onto Izuku. "I-Izuku! You were so manly out there!" Kirishima said to the other boy through manly tears. "I can't believe you went through that and only cried a little!" Kirishima continued to shout. "Cried? I didn't see that when he ran back to the stands. You alright, Izu?" Denki asked him from his seat. After announcing it, the members of the class looked to Izuku's eyes to find them slightly swollen from tears.

"Y-yeah... It wasn't that bad, you know?" Izuku responded slowly to the glancing eyes of his classmates. Even though the class knew he had been crying just a minute before, mostly due to his swollen eyes, they kept talking without staying on that subject. "Izuku!" "W-what is it, Iida?" Izuku said to the frantic class president. "Y-your forehead seems to be bleeding! You should go to Recovery Girl before the next match starts!" "I-it's alright, Iida. It's not tha-" He was cut off from Sero and Kirishima locking his arms with theirs. They started dragging him down the hall with manly tears filling their eyes once again.

"It's alright Izuku! You can cry if you want!" Kirishima said.

"Y-yeah dude! We know that must hurt, don't be so manly if you're hurt!" Sero followed with. 

"Fine..." Izuku said as he let himself be dragged to the medical office.

About half way there Izuku sprung a question. "Guys, I can go alone. You don't have to drag me there." The two boys then let him go, but kept following him. "W-what is it guys? Is something wrong?" "N-no." They both responded.

Around three-quarters the way to the doctor's office the three boys encountered some of the audience that were returning from the stands outside. They looked at the boy they had just wasted food throwing at. "W-we are very sorry!" A woman said as her and her husband bowed their heads in apology. "It's okay, it's in the past, right?" Izuku responded.

As they continued to walk, more people apologized. Izuku let all of them off with an "It's okay", or a "No problem, right?" as he walked. The two other boys still accompanied him.

"Guys, the office is right there, you can go now." Izuku said to them. The other two boys, entirely moved on how manly Izuku responded to the apologized, saluted him before leaving. 'What the hell, a salute?' Izuku thought as he chuckled about his funny friends.

"Hey, isn't that the villain kid?" Izuku heard as he grabbed the knob of the door to the doctor's room. "Huh?" Another voice said as Izuku started feeling glares on him. "Ha! It's the kid All Might called abused! I bet that kid lied about that bull!" A third voice shouted. Izuku turned and looked at the three punks standing in the halls with him. They were his height, but had a more mature and aged face, so they seemed to be from college.

"I didn't lie to All Might. I was just rescued from the villains a month ago, you know?" Izuku told them. "Huh?" The leader-seeming punk said before walking up to Izuku with his friends. "Did anyone ask you to talk, you damn filth?" The second one, a little shorter with neon-green died hair and piercings all over his nose and ears. "I don't think he even knows what he's talking about, ha!" The last one, a skinnier boy with a hoodie on said. "What a joke, huh guys?" The leader said. The leader of the punks had tights on with a tight black shirt on. A skull symbol was on the shirt and he had pink hair that was tied back. "Yeah." The other two responded in unison.

"You wanna fight, villain?" The shorter one asked Izuku. "What's your name again?" The skinny one asked. "It was... lemme think.... Deku! They called you Izuku, but before they called you fuckin' useless! You like that kinda play, huh?" The leader of the three asked before pushing Izuku into a wall. "Let's fuckin' fight and see if you're really as strong as you were on the field."

'I can't fight these damn pricks. If I do I could get disqualified from the match... What should I do to get away from this.' 

A fist was risen behind the back of the leading punk. He held Izuku's uniform collar. 

'I know this sucks, but I can't fight them... I just have to let them have their fun...' 

Izuku closed his eyes in a flinch. Before the punch connected, Izuku felt a slight bit of wind. He opened his eyes to see a fist planting itself on the leading punk's face. "W-what the hell, asshole?!" The skinny one yelled at the culprit. "He won't wake up for a little. I knocked him out with my quirk." "Nice one, dude. Plenty manly if I say myself." The two boys from before were now standing above the punk. "Kirishima? Sero? What're you guys doing here?" Izuku asked the boy with the stone arm and the boy with the tape elbows. "We thought something like this could happen, so we tagged along." Sero responded with a smile. "And lookie what we found here..." Kirishima started to speak. "So you two, wanna fight us?" He continued.

The two punks' faces lit up in fear before they grabbed their unconscious friend and started to run away. "Let's get the hell out'a here!" The short one said as they made their way out of the arena and back onto the streets of the city.

Izuku looked in shock at his friends. "Why'd you guys do that! If they tattle to the officials, you could be taken out of the match!" Izuku would've kept yelling, but he was stopped with the smiles of what seemed to be two of the three stooges. "We thought you might've been in trouble." Sero claimed. Kirishima followed.

"Hey, we were pretty manly right?!"

Again, Izuku laughed to himself again. 

'Maybe they really aren't scared of me...'

Villain Trash (Izuku-Villain / Drama)Where stories live. Discover now