3 - Naomi

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I tried to call Mikito's name but her eyes rolled back in her head. I reached out to grab her before she bumped her head again, making her amnesia worse. I caught her. Sure enough she had passed out on my watch. A soft sigh escaped my lungs as I set her head down.

I looked over at the drawer that Donnie had pulled out my shirt and pants. Leaving Mikito's side for a moment, I opened the drawer and pulled out two more shirts. At this time, Donnie came back in, probably wondering why I had to open a drawer.

When he saw Mikito passed out again, he turned and left the lab without a word. I blinked in confusion at his departure but continued to bundle up the two shirts together in a makeshift pillow. One bundled up in the other. As I came up to lift Mikito's head to put the pillow under her, Donnie came back in with an actual pillow. My movements paused as he came up to set the pillow under Mikito himself. I smiled at him in thanks but said nothing.

One thing I could tell about Donnie was that he wasn't a social person either. That or extremely shy, either around new guests or girls. I gave that theory because he never really looked at me or Mikito straight on. I didn't mind. I didn't like being stared at anyway.

I stayed by Mikito, wondering why she kept passing out while I was Scott-free. It was weird, but I wasn't about to give any theories. After all, her and I were basically learning about each other again.

"Did you know she has Heterochromia?" Donnie asked from his desk. I turned my head to give him a questioned look. He paused, like he was waiting for me to answer. When I didn't, he turned in his chair and saw me staring at him. He gulped and smiled apologetically. "Sorry... Keep forgetting you're not one to talk to much..." I smiled internally. "But, yeah. Here..."

Standing from his chair, Donnie pulled a flashlight pen from his belt. He came back up to us and opened up one of Mikito's eyelids. I looked closely. The one he showed was pure gold. I nodded and he opened her other lid, shining the light in her eye again. My head couldn't stop itself from tilting to the side.

"Her right eye is half green, half gold..." I muttered aloud. I looked at him. "Do you think it has anything to do with her passing out again?"

"I wouldn't think so. Heterochromia is harmless. It's just different eye hues in different locations in the eye." He paused, realizing that he hadn't really needed to add on. He cleared his throat and shook his head. "No. But if she had something to make her eye like this color, then it is possible. But I've taken bloodwork on you both and you both are healthy."

I glared at him. "Do not stick a needle in me again without my permission."

Donnie lifted his arms in defence, backing up from us new guests. "Sorry..." He went back to his desk and startled fiddling with stuff in his desk again.

I let out another sigh, looking at Mikito. Along with her eye color, her skin color had some fading under her eyes and around her body. I found it odd, but didn't say anything about it. Instead, I left the lab again.

I left only to circle around the lair to make myself comfortable in it. It still seemed big for my taste, but I wasn't going to argue because I had the haunted feeling I had seen bigger. As I was going around the lair I noticed Mikey playing video games, Raph leaving his room, and Leo speaking with Splinter in hushed voices. Leo and Splinter were loud enough to head their voices individually, but not loud enough to hear what they were discussing. Eventually, I landed myself by Mikey to watch him play his game.

About an hour later I heard Leo and Splinter leave the dojo. Their feet shuffled on the concrete toward me and Mikey. I waited for the moment they would say something. It was a few seconds after they stopped, probably watching Mikey for a moment as well.

"Naomi," Splinter said first. "We have a gift for you, if you would like it. Mikito will get one as well when she's able to walk around."

I turned my upper body toward them, putting my elbow on top of the couch. It was difficult to look at them at this angle, but I managed. Leo was holding different fabrics in his hands with some tied on his arms. Probably to show them off better. I stood up, stepping up closer to them.

"What's this about?" I asked, looking at the different fabrics. They looked like masks. Like all the boys wore. Did I want to wear one? Not really...

Splinter looked at Leo. Leo cleared his throat and straightened up a little more. "Since you really don't have anywhere to go that you know of... We thought you might like a family tradition? And maybe join us in training in the near future."

"Training," I paused. I felt the tip of my tail flick from side to side in thought. "As in your weapons and punching the living daylight out of one another?"

"Yes," Leo nodded, almost embarrassed. Nobody had been training while Mikito and I have been in the lair. But I knew my locations now, and the weapons on the rack in the dojo was obvious. That and they mediated a lot. "But we would go easy on you." Again, he offered his arms with the masks and fabrics.

Giving myself a moment to think I looked at Leo then at Splinter. He seemed patient, waiting for an answer. Leo on the other hand seemed to want to explode, wondering what my answer was, but in a mature way. I glanced at the fabrics and then back at Leo.

"I would like to wait until Mikito wakes up for good before picking. And I'll think about joining you in training." It was as simple as I could put it, but they both seemed a little disappointed. They both nodded and Splinter left back to the dojo.

Leo watched me for a moment before nodding. "Then I hope she wakes up soon. I think you would really like the silver one." He moved his left arm where a silver mask glittered in the light. I gave a friendly smile, letting him know that it was a good offer. Personally, I didn't like shiny things. The silver didn't spark my attention.

Leo left me alone again. I heard a cry of desperation as Mikey lost another life. I looked at the screen and it was game over. Giving a soft smirk, I watched as he made a new game.

All the while, I felt I was being watched. I looked over to where I was being watched and saw Raph in the corner leaning against the pinball machine glaring at me. As a reaction to his glare, I frowned and straightened up. I'm not sure if my tail had a mind of its own, but I felt it flick a bit harshly, as if inviting him over to start something.

Raph's lip curled up a moment, showing some teeth. He pushed off the machine and walked to his room again, holding a leaf of lettuce.

I relaxed and breathed out, looking toward the lab. I, too, hoped Mikito would wake up and start awake. I couldn't deal with four of these guys and make decisions for both of us like this. After all, we may forget who we are, but we are the two oddballs of this place. I wanted someone else to lean on. And I really hoped she felt the same.

~~~~~~~ Remember ~~~~~~~

Hi guys! Naomi here. This is a late welcome, but welcome back to the official "Two More Turtles" remake. This book will focus on half or the majority season 1 of the 2012 series by Nick.

There will be a lot of cannon episodes in this series. And there will be a lot of creativity as well. This is to avoid what happened in the original book series. Along with avoiding a lot of the original series mistakes or long update times, there won't be as many characters.

That means Sophie, Reiley, Kyoto and many other characters won't be in here. I would like this as a less hassle than it is and the more characters, the more hassle, the more remembering, and more of trying to place them in nicely. The original TV series already introduces a lot of characters as it is and as a writer, I would rather not have more on my plate.

Another change is the POVs! They will be majority Naomi since the writer of the original book series WAS Naomi and will be writing this as well, it's easier since she is my character. There will be Mikito, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, and other character POVs as well, so you can have a variety. You can tell what POV the chapter will be in by the title of the chapter.

So if you have any questions concerning the previous series versus the current series (the one you're currently reading), ask in our question book that is on this account as well! We'll answer it ^^

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