29 - Michelangelo

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After Baxter's maze of doom, my brothers and I headed back to the lair. Although I was exhausted to no end, and learned Baxter's weird past, I was super excited to at least see Mikito. Made me wonder what she could have been doing this entire time?

As soon as we all entered the lair, I noticed Naomi on the couch. She looked up at us but returned to watching the TV. I bolted to the dojo where I heard April and Mikito training. As soon as I entered, my eyes widened.

April had a Tessen with the Hamato Clan symbol carved into it. Mikito had a Katana in her grasp. Who knew she could have one? Wait... That meant she could be the new Leo! Katanas are a leader weapon. I'd totally vote for her.

Mikito noticed me walk in and paused in her training to wave at me. I waved back with a grin. It took those few moments for April to trip up the turtle and pin her down. Oops... That was my fault.

Master Splinter ended the spar and they got up. Leo walked in then and saw the girls with their weapons. "Nice weapons. Did you just get them?"

"Yeah!" Mikito chirped. She sheathed her Katana. April closed her Tessen and stuck the weapon in her belt loop. "It's super exciting."

"I imagine," Leo smiled. He sat down in the middle of the room, preparing for his meditation. "I remember when my brothers and I got our weapons. It was right after Splinter told us the story of our younger selves. Right after our mutation."

"Yeah!" I grinned. "I got nunchucks because they were just for me." I pulled out my weapon and started spinning them around me. "And they are! I couldn't go anywhere without them."

Mikito giggled and looked to Leo. He had his eyes closed. I put my nunchucks up and came up to Mikito. April left the dojo after bowing to Splinter. Our only human friend was heading back to the surface for the day. As April left, I wrapped my arm around the back of Mikito's neck. "C'mon, Mikito. You gotta listen to what happened tonight."

"Really?" She grinned. I always liked it when she smiled. Her eyes sparkled when she did.

When we left the dojo, the two of us took to the couch beside Naomi. Raph was on the other end feeding Spike. He seriously looked half out of it. Naomi muted the TV to hear what happened tonight.

I told my perspective of the maze. Raph piped in near the end on his perspective. Poor turtle... Stuck with Fishface all night. Mikito and Naomi listened quietly, Mikito with more awe and amazement.

Naomi finally spoke up, "Fishface is the fish mutant that bit you that one night, right?" Raph's jaw set as he nodded. The lizard simply nodded in understanding and didn't speak again.

"But, weapons!" I exclaimed to the two girls. "What did you pick, Naomi?" A long silence followed after my question. Naomi turned the TV back on. I took that as a no. No weapon? Then again... She did sprain her ankle. Well, Raph did.

My attention turned to Mikito. "A katana, though!" I grinned. "You can totally be the next Leo."

From his side of the couch, Raph scoffed. I glared at him. My brother smirked at me, "If you think she'd be the next Leo, Naomi's the next Mikey."

"Don't drag me into this," the lizard sighed in a monotone voice.

The three of us turtles chuckled. Raph rolled his eyes. I grinned and shrugged, "I mean... Katanas are the equivalent to leader, right? Mikito owns a Katana. She could totally lead!"

"I only have one, though," Mikito smiled in a shy manner. "Leo has two. He's still very much higher in the tream ranking with two of them. If... Weapons were to count as leadership..."

"So what would that make nunchucks?" Raph teased.

Getting out my nunchucks, I pressed a button on a pair and the scythe and chain grew longer. "These aren't regular nunchucks, Raph!"

"Just like Donnie's staff isn't just a staff," Mikito piped up. She was defending me! Sweet! "His staff holds a secret blade."

"Yeah!" I grinned. "Yours and Leo's weapons don't have any surprises!"

"I've got plenty of surprises!" Raph snapped.

In a playful, but probably regretful manner, I narrowed my eyes. "Like what?" I dragged out the question to anger my brother.

He growled and set Spike down. Oh. That meant he we serious! With the last energy in me, I got up and fled. Behind me, Raph screamed my name. I ran around the lair hopelessly. How far was he behind me? Passing through the kitchen, through the lab, down the tunnels, and stopping back at the main room, I saw Raph never chased me to begin with.

Mikito laughed as she saw my confused face. Raph chuckled and shook his head. "I was in a maze of doom, Mikey. I'm too worn out to follow you... Right now." His green eyes glinted as he looked at me.

I gulped nervously but gave a smile. "I'm surprised I had that energy."

"I'm not," Mikito smiled. "You're always full of energy."

My heart beamed with joy. She really meant that. I know she did. A yawn suddenly came from me.

Since yawns are contagious, Raph as second, Mikito third, and finally Naomi. The lizard growled after her yawn and glared at me. Guess she knew the yawning sickness as well. Whoops! I shrugged and headed to my room.

A good night's sleep is what I needed. It's what we all needed, but I didn't have any Katanas to give the orders. Maybe one day I would? That would be fun, leading the team. But for now, it was just a dream.

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