20 - Michelangelo

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And... There. I backed up and observed my work. There was enough room for two beds with the moving I did. I was quite proud of myself, actually.

"Ugh, Mikey!" Leo's voice came from the entry. "I leave for ten minutes to find spare beds and I come back to this!"

I turned to Leo and grinned, "What do you mean? There's plenty of room for them!"

Leo shook his head and set the beds down at the entrance. "Seriously, Mikey. Mikito or Naomi don't need all of this!" He started to take down the shelves and items that I had stacked up to the wall. "Seriously, you're acting like you're moving in this room."

"What if I am?" I stuck my tongue out.

Leo turned to frown at me. "You're lucky Raph is still or with Naomi or else he'd have you on the ground begging you to scream 'Uncle'."

My face contoured into a cringe as I realized he was right. Either way, it was fun to try real life Tetris. Now it was Leo's turn to tell me how many points I got from it. Giving a smile, I turned and left the room. I was surprised Mikito hadn't walked in at all during that time to see what we were up to.

That's when I smelled something wonderful coming groom the kitchen. Smiling, I made my way through the lair toward the room. It smelled like.. "Ramen!" I exclaimed as I entered the room. "Mikito, you can cook?" I asked.

"Not really," she chuckled nervously. She smiled and turned to see me. In her hand she had an empty package of Ramen. "There was just instructions and I was hungry."

"Then you may as well make enough for the lair," a new voice said. It was Naomi. Guess she returned with Raph.

Mikito grinned at the lizard. "Did you find any clothes?"

An awkward silence filled the air but eventually Naomi answered, "No. We got caught up in traffic."

In the distance I heard a growl of exasperation from Raph. Guess he saw my Tetris skills too. I cracked am innocent smile. Gotta practice now before he walked in.

Naomi sat down at the island as Mikito added more Ramen to the batch she was making. The two girls didn't seem all that interested in what I had done to the room. But then again, now it was technically unfinished. I sat at the island before either of my brothers came and dragged me back to cleaning.

Mikito's first bowl was given to me. I ate as I watched Naomi on her T-phone. Her fingers moved over the screen rather quickly. It was almost impossible to see what she was doing. However, I could occasionally hear the sound of a beginning of a song before she paused it. Was she downloading music?

After Naomi received her bowl of Ramen, she put her phone up for a while. The two of us ate as Mikito continued to cook. A tune started to fill the air as she did. Mikito was humming! I paused in my meal to listen. It sounded smooth, beautiful, even. As she hummed, I smiled and chewed on my meal slowly.

Raph and Leo eventually came in the kitchen. They were probably hungry too. That or Mikito's humming brought them in. If that's the case, was she a Siren? But they were more interested in grabbing bowls so I guess that answered my question.

As Raph sat down, he held a comic in his hand. He started reading as he ate. Leo took his own bowl and Mikito made another batch big enough for two. Her and Donnie were all that was left to feed. When Mikito set a bowl aside for the last turtle in the lair, she took a deep sigh and poured the rest of the noodles in the last bowl for herself. Finally, she came to sit with us.

"So how's the room coming along?" She asked to nobody in particular.

Leo grunted, "It was going great until we decided to leave someone in charge of organizing it." I felt his gaze land on me. I smiled in the middle of a full mouth.

"We can organize it," Naomi said. She poked at a few noodles. "But you got beds, right?"

"Yeah. Just not the frames," Leo answered.

"That's okay," Mikito chirped. She took a bite right after. "As long as it's not the floor, we're good."

Leo nodded and we continued to eat in silence. I had two more bites left when I noticed a cockroach run along the table. Well that was new. They usually didn't come this close while we were eating. Naomi picked up her bowl as it darted toward her. Leo just watched it skitter across the table toward Raph.

It crawled on the Sai wielder's chopsticks. Naomi opened her mouth to say something but Raph had already seen the insect. He froze in his spot as a look of fear flashed across his face.

With a piercing scream the made  jump, Raph pushed back in his chair and flung his food away. Mikito screeched in shock as she was hit. I frowned as a splash landed on my hand. What a waste of food. I licked the drop off.

Naomi started snickering as Raph stared at the bug from three steps away from the table, "Told you last one here was gonna eat a cockroach."

"Shut up!" He snapped at her. Naomi looked almost offended. She frowned but didn't say anything more.

During that time, Raph had pulled out a Sai of his and lunged at the bug. Leo and Mikito pulled their bowls away. Naomi let hers be tipped over onto the red masked turtle. Raph was charging at the insect, slamming his Sai into the table and even throwing it! Man, he was determined to get rid of this bug. I ducked suddenly as his other Sai was thrown.

I watched with a wide smile as Raph chased the cockroach around the kitchen. My brother was scared of a small bug. Raph, the toughest turtle here, was scared of a cockroach. This was going to be good.

Sadly enough, Donnie's voice started ringing through the lair. "Stop it! Stop it! You're gonna smash him!"

"Thats the idea!" Raph shouted back at him. His eyes never left the roach as it started scittering toward Donnie.

Donnie came into view with his laptop and scooped up the bug. He glared at Raph and snapped, "You can't smash this roach!" I laughed to myself all the while, enjoying the fear in Raph's face as he watched Donnie's hand. Donnie opened his palm to reveal the tiny insect. He nuzzled the bug, "This one's special." Donnie paused then smiled at Raph. He put his hand out that had the bug in it. He finished with a song song voice, "Really special."

Raph flinched back, setting his jaw. I noticed Naomi's tail flick toward his ankles, ready to trip him if he took another step backward. She was really mad at him if she was gonna trip him.

Leo sighed from the other side of the table. Him and I were probably the only two that hadn't really moved through the whole ordeal. "I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but... Why is he special, Donnie?"

"Because I retrofitted him with a camera," Donnie explained. He took his closed laptop and set it on the table. He opened it to us. I peered over Donnie's arm to see the screen. "We can see whatever the cockroach sees!"

On the screen had a screaming, angry, scared Raphael. I started busting out laughing. Everyone looked at me. I had to pause in my laughter for a moment, "Looks like big tough Raph's scared of cockroaches."

"I am not," Raph tried to defend himself.

I cut my brother off again, "Donnie, can I get this on a shirt? It's my favorite part!"

Suddenly Raph's growl was louder than my laugh. "Wanna see my favorite part?" I screamed as he picked me up and threw me on the table. The force of the throw sent me to the other side on my plastron. That hurt...

"We're gonna spy on the Kraang...." Donnie said happily. "With a cockroach!"

I smiled as Mikito came over to help me. I looked at Donnie and the cockroach in his palm. Why did I habe a feeling that tonight's mission was going to be a funny and interesting one?

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