8 - Michealangelo

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Nobody knew nothing. They knew nothing, I knew nothing. Although... Me knowing nothing is quite common. Like how I didn't know about Karai. Or Leo seeing Karai. Is that the right wording for that? Did he really see her? Behind our backs, yeah. I guess he did see her.

That's besides the point. Nobody knew what I knew. And I knew... Very little, actually. Mikito hasn't spoken of her past. It's kind of sad, actually, because I was wanting to get a head start on something. The classic "become the friend and know their secrets" type of deal. It hasn't worked. I don't mind, though. Mikito is actually a great mutant to hang out with. It was nice to actually chill with someone that wasn't my brothers.

I haven't gotten to know Naomi yet, but I didn't want to... She scared me. When I did see her she was always watching. Observing. It was nerve racking. It was that or on her phone. Personally, I wondered what she was doing on it but Donnie hasn't set off an alarm. He told us he had some kind of recording on the girl's T-Phones so he could track what they were doing.

So I left Naomi to the others to get to know.

It was a few days after the whole Karai incident. Donnie hadn't been in the lair a lot recently. Not sure about what, but occasionally he took Naomi. Mikito and her have been training with April and Sensei. Only a few simple Katas and stances. I've joined them, watched them, and helped them. Mainly Mikito.

Afterward, Mikito and I would either read comic books or play games. Sometimes she would even ask me for help on a stance she never got quite right. It was different being the teacher... But Leo sometimes came over to help as well. He seemed more comfortable with it.

Ah! Gah... Side tracked again! Heh... Anyway. Back to scene setting--

"Mikey!" The journal slid out of my grasp as I jumped. It was Raph's voice. I didn't want him to know I scribbled stuff in a journal! He'd never let me live it down! He banged his fist on my door, "You better not be sleeping!"

"I'm not!" I countered, holding the journal close to me. I frowned and quickly got up and shoved it under my covers. "What do you want?"

"Donnie's wanting to see us? Check your T-Phone." He growled. I heard receding footsteps as Raph walked away.

Inhaling deeply, I set the pen I was writing with on top of the sheets so I wouldn't lose it. I left my room. Peeking out into the hall, I saw Mikito and Naomi leave the dojo with Splinter stopping at the entrance. Hurrying out of my room, I hoped to reach them before they would go to wherever Donnie wanted to meet us.

"Mikito!" I exclaimed. She paused and turned to me. When she saw me, she grinned. "Where's Donnie wanting to meet us?"

"Hey, Mikey," she smiled. "And I'm not sure. Raph interrupted our training. It must be important if he's getting us out."

"That's only because I was cleaning up the breakfast mess," Leo sighed. He was walking toward the subway tunnels, looking at me from a tilt of his head. I smiled innocently. "You need to start cleaning after yourself, Mikey. What's more important than that?"

I stopped and smiled again. "Comics, bro." My hands lifted up and made a wave motion. "They're chill. They don't ask for much."

"Whatever," Raph growled. He was standing by the rails, arms crossed. "Now where's Donnie? He said for us to wait here."

"He's coming," an almost new voice spoke up. We all turned to look at Naomi. She frowned and I saw her jaw set. "What?"

I turned away quickly. Although quiet, she can snap quickly when she was aggravated. That's when I saw the gum on the rails.

"Oo! Gum!" I reached down to grab it but got smacked on the shell by Raph. I almost tumbled on the rails but Mikito caught me and pulled me back up. "Ow..." I mumbled as I was set back on the sidewalk. I looked at Raph with a frown. "What was that for?"

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