33 - Raphael

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"Move!" Donnie shouted. As he shouted, the ship appeared from it's cloaked version.

The sudden appearance of the Stealth Ship shocked me. So much so that I didn't even start any weapons. It took Leo to screech the tires in a hard turn to realize that I should start a weapon. Which one, though?

I fired up the trash cannon and aimed. With a guttural shout, I fired the cannon about a half dozen times. The fifth one made me realize that the armor was too thick but I washed to blast the last one because I was ticked. Why couldn't the Kraang be a little more simplified?

My mistake with the sixth one was that it may have finally ticked off the Kraang as well. The purple eye on the front of the ship began to glow. Leo took a hard turn and missed the laser that the ship produced. Just barely, though.

Behind me, I could hear yelps as the few who weren't buckled in fell to the floor or actually got whiplash.

"Leo!" I heard Mikito's higher pitched voice shout at my brother. Figured out which one. "I'm getting shell lashed!"

"It's whiplash!" Donnie told her rather strained. Guess he was getting it too.

Leo huffed, "Sorry guys, but-- Agh!" The Shell Raiser was suddenly jolted to the front as the Stealth Ship got us with the fancy gun. What I would do with a weapon like that! Blast them! "Mikey! Mikito! Find us a route out of here! Raph, try to hit it with something!"

"I have!" I snapped at him. "Trash bundles aren't really doing it!"

"Does it get discounts with bundles?" Mikey's oblivious voice asked. Why did he do this when we're in trouble?

I turned to glare at him. He smiled apologetically and turned back to the map. "Take the alley on the right!" The Raiser jolted again. This time I felt the shell lash. It wasn't over.

Leo suddenly slammed on the brakes. "Dead end!"

Mikito had tumbled to the front of the Raiser where I was. She groaned and sat up, rubbing the back of her neck. "Can... We install better seatbelts? Agh!" She screamed as the Stealth Ship shot us again.

"Don't take the alley on the right!" Mikey screamed over everything.

I tried firing another trash ball at the ship but saw it get obliterated. "Now what?!"

"The Shell Raiser can't take much more of this!" Donnie cried.

The blast from the Stealth Ship had an annoyingly high ring to it as well. Now, add that to Mikey's and Mikito's screams. I didn't like this environment very well! I could feel a headache start to form.

Suddenly, the ringing and the onslaught stopped. The Kraang ship retreated. Leo took the chance and drove out of the dead end alleyway. I groaned and heels my head, wondering what happened. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long.

"It's that girl!" Mikito chirped.

"Karai," Naomi's voice finally spoke up. "Right?"

"She's helping us!" Leo gasped. Oh, no... Not this again. "We gotta help her!"

"Oh, no!" I growled at him. "We are not risking our shells and tail for a Foot Soldier!"

Leo's cold gaze hit me. I frowned. Why did I know he was going to help her anyway? He unbuckled his seat belt. Mikito came up as he did and took the wheel from him. Leo got up and came up to me. I scooted back as he went down to the Stealth Bike.

"Hey!" I snapped in defence. "Stealth Bike is my thing!"

"Well know you're thing is sucking it up," Leo snapped as he closed the cover.

"That's my thing!" Donnie cried.

Naomi mumbled something unintelligible and shook her head. I growled and scooted my chair back up to my controls. It then dawned on me that Mikito was driving. With a cautious look, I turned to her. She seemed focused, keeping her eyes on the multiple monitors. As if she knew what to do, she let Leo and the Stealth Bike out of it's holding chamber.

"Now what?" Mikey asked. He's right. Leo's gone for the time being. What could we do?

Naomi stood up, "We let Leo distract it enough so we go underground. When we're there, we wait for Leo to return. We won't go to the lair yet..."

"Why?" Donnie asked.

Naomi didn't answer. Instead she sat back down right in time as Mikito took a turn. I huffed and crossed my arms. The least I could do was try to enjoy the ride. Mikito drove us back underground and parked us about three blocks down from where the Shell Raiser entrance was.

When we stopped, I stood up and turned to Naomi, "What's your deal?" She looked at me with her unreadable blue eyes. "You're not Leo. Why do you get to make the shots?"

"Not this again," Donnie muttered.

"Mikito's not Leo either," Naomi said simply. "And yet she's driving."

Mikey got up and stood in front of Mikito with his arms out in defense. "Don't drag Mikito into this..."

"Orders and driving are two different things," I growled. The lizard didn't reply. Instead she just stared at me.

I wasn't sure what to say or do next. Usually I get a defensive retort or action. This time I got nothing. It confused me to no end and I growled in the silence. Turning back, I went back to my seat and waited for Leo to return.

While we waited, Naomi turned the music back on. I didn't even realize she had turned it off. Donnie began tapping on his keyboard. Mikey started playing a game on his T-Phone. I looked around the Raiser, even turning toward my control panel and messing with buttons that wouldn't shoot anything.

In a matter of minutes, about ten, I heard the sound of the Stealth Bike pulling in. Once again, I scooted back. The door popped open and Leo stepped up into the Raiser. He looked at each of us then turned and offered a hand to the Bike below. A hand took his. My jaw clenched.

Leo brought Karai.

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