16 - Naomi

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Entering the lair was the easy part. It was what came next that wasn't. At least for me or Mikito anyway.

Donnie took his T- phone into his lab to figure out what the strange symbol meant. Even I didn't have a clue what it was but I could thank my memory for that. Nothing really stood out. Mikito and I left the boys to do their work. Splinter soon came out of the dojo with April not long after.

April came up to Mikito and I and smiled, "Hey, Naomi and Mikito. How's it going?"

"It's going very well!" Mikito chirped happily. "We got to meet a new friend of theirs. He's a bit rough at first but a real sweetheart when you get to know him."

"Besides that," I interrupted. "Bruised, wet, and tired."

April looked at me then and noticed what I was wearing. Nothing pretty by now. I had been in a sewer all day, been in a Shell Raiser crash, shot at by Kraang, and I hadn't changed out of this to begin with anyway. I wasn't exactly clean.

"I could loan you some of my older clothes," April smiled. "I think you may like some."

"Really?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded. "I may take you up on that offer."

I heard the lab doors open. Looking over, Mikey, Raph, and Leo were all leaving the lab in a backed up position. What got in their shells? They came up to us and chuckled nervously.

"Donnie may be cool and all," Mikey said. "But don't get on his bad side when he's thinking like that."

"Has smoke started coming out of his ears?" I joked. They looked at me with a concerned look. "What?" I frowned. "Fine, sorry..." I started for the dojo when Donnie bolted out of the lab and out of the lair.

The other three brothers paused for a moment before bolting after their taller sibling. That left Mikito, April, and myself alone in the main room. Splinter left the lab and looked at us. "There you three are. Would you like to train today?"

"Would I..." I relaxed. "Are we doing meditation practices today like you promised?"

"I can for you, Naomi," Splinter answered as he lead us three girls into the dojo. "Mikito and April will be doing something else today if that is okay with them?"

They nodded. Splinter lead me behind the tree. I sat down and he sat in front of me. With smooth movements, he sat crossed legged. With his hands he gestured to me to follow. I repeated his actions.

"Now... Sit with a straight back--" I straightened up. "--close your eyes, breathe and relax. Do not let anything into your mind. Empty it."

With such easy instructions, I did as he said. My eyes closed and I emptied my mind as best I could. It was difficult. In front of me, I heard Splinter get up and leave to where April and Mikito were probably at. I shook my head. Focus! It didn't take long before I heard grunting and short shouts from the two girls. My mind started to wonder.

I didn't mean for it to happen. I let the voices in my head speak to me, canceling out what was going on behind me. Maybe this was what my meditating was supposed to be. He didn't specify how to mediate except empty my mind and not let thoughts out. I emptied my mind but the rights didn't go out.

My mind emptied up until I let a voice say "Salamandrian". I focused on that. Wrapped my mind around it. What is it? Is that what I am? How could I tell? Are there more like me? I tried to picture what it could be but all that came into mind was me. Just a single me. I stared down at myself. It was weird, honestly. Seeing the designs carve over my body and the tail that kept a constant curl near the tip to avoid touching the ground.

I watched myself look at myself. It was then it dawned on me that this was the scene on when I met Donnie for the first time and I was looking at myself. Is this what the Salamandrian answer meant? I am just what I am? My mind fluttered through some of the other short memories I had. It didn't last long until I was staring at my meditative self.

I sat down in front of myself and looked at me. I was focused. There wasn't emotion on my facial features. Honestly, if I opened my eyes right now I felt like I could have actually seen myself but I dared not. Instead, I closed my eyes again, in the meditated world. I actually let my mind empty. Else thoughts inside a thought would have probably given me a headache.

When I emptied my mind, all I felt was bliss. The emptiness was vast. Nothing could be heard or seen. Just... Empty. It was void of everything. I could feel my body relaxing. Wait... Was I sleeping? No. I wouldn't have had this much thought if otherwise. I was meditating.

Although in my state, it felt very short, it was actually almost two hours later when I felt someone shake my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Mikito staring at me.

"About time," she huffed. "I was saying your name for about ten minutes. Splinter came up and even tried it three times. You were gone, Naomi."

I blinked and stretched. "It was a great few minutes."

"Minutes?" Mikito repeated. "That was almost two hours. The boys are back." Her face dropped.

That caught my attention. "What happened?"

"Leatherhead went through the Kraang portal to stop a rock monster and whatever else was coming through," Mikito replied.

I felt my face drop. Although I didn't really like Leatherhead, I knew Mikito and the boys did. Leaning toward her, I gave her a hug. "He'll be fine. He's tough."

Mikito's arms wrapped around me. She dug her face in my shoulder and breathed heavily. Maybe she could use some meditating...

Pulling back, I patted the ground beside me. She took a seat and looked down at the rug below her.

Talking gently, I gave her the same instructions Splinter did to me. She reluctantly followed my steps. I smiled and touched her wrist when she closed her eyes. She smiled.

Before I knew it, I was staring at the two of us meditating. I looked at the meditating form of myself then the form of Mikito. My head tilted as I noticed there were colors swirling around her. Mostly blues, purples and darker colors. Mourning. Taking a look at myself again, I noticed some greens, lighter blues. Understanding? Helpful?

I didn't know. But I sat and watched Mikito, not daring to go any deeper. She needed the company, even if there was two of me and with one she couldn't see. She was turning into my sister after all.

So... I stayed with my sister, both of me.

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