5 - Raphael

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Everything was driving me up a wall. Pretty much every scenario going through my head with everything with the female gender is going sour. The two mutants Mikey and Donnie insisted on bringing home were making my shell crawl with their presence. Then Leo's hidden secret with the Foot girl... Agh! I wanted to hit something.

Sure enough, my fist was in contact with the training dummy in the main room. I gave it a blank stare before gritting my teeth and punching it more, even throwing in some side kicks. This wasn't really helping, but it was getting my head off things. So much so, in fact, Leo snuck out. I didn't notice until later.

After a while of hitting, I took a step back. Looking behind me, I saw that April was gathering her school stuff and getting ready to leave. The others were in the lab with the sleeping-induced one that's finally woken up. Makes me wonder if she "remembered anything". I rolled my eyes. This was ridiculous.

Going to my room, I snatched a comic from my collection. It was one I've read before. It wouldn't take me long to skim it. By then the others would probably be out of the lab. So I sat at the top of the couch and decided to skim through the comic.

It didn't take long for them to leave the lab. I first heard steps and low murmurs. Then I saw the lizard, Naomi, head to the kitchen. I kept her in my side view, making sure she didn't do anything dangerous. All I heard was running water and then her leaving again. A glass of water.

Turning around, I watched the lab door. A lot of murmuring was going on. Mostly Donnie's and the girl turtle's voice. I waited a long while before they left the lab. Mikey jumped out of the door, offering a hand to the new turtle. She took it and they fled into the lair, the girl a little slow. What was her name again...? Mikey did name her something...

Sighing, I sat on the couch regularly, opening my comic book again. Naomi left the lab followed by Donnie. "Naomi, make sure she's okay. She could fall back asleep at any time." A pause. "Thanks... If you need me, call me." I turned and watched as Donnie gave Naomi a T-Phone.

She looked at it curiously. It didn't take long for her to be entirely engulfed in the electronic. Her fingers clicked on the screen wildly. I noticed her tail tip flicking to and fro, almost like a cat.

"You have all our numbers in there, including April's," Donnie continued. He looked at the T-Phone. "And if you get in trouble, they can self destruct of you tell them to. Just say their name and 'self destruct'." Another awkward pause as Naomi was getting settings up. "Naomi...?"

Naomi paused and looked up at Donnie. She nodded, eyes lighting up. "Yeah. I heard ya. They're called T- phones, right?"

"Yes," Donnie breathed out in relief. "And when Mikito is feeling better, I'll give her one as well."

Naomi nodded and turned toward the couch. "Thanks, Donnie."

I grabbed up my comic and started staring at it. Naomi sat on the opposite end of the couch, still in her phone. At least she wasn't taking selfies or anything like that. It was a few seconds later I felt my T-phone vibrate in my pocket. I froze and looked at it.

It was from a new person. My guess was Naomi because it read: got anymore comics?  I looked up at her. She was still messing with her phone. I rolled my eyes with a sigh. Setting my phone down, I continued staring at the pages. I wasn't reading anything, just waiting. Another vibrating message.

just a question but i take that as a nah.

Again I looked at the lizard. This time she was actually staring at me. My teeth ground together for a moment. I gave a grunt and got up. I tossed the comic I was reading at her and left. It was there I saw Leo walking through the entrance.

"Leo?" I asked myself quietly. What was he doing out? Then I frowned and remembered... Karai. Was probably out with her. Maybe our recent spar didn't really mean anything. I waited a few seconds before coming up beside him. "So?" He glanced at me sideways. "You gonna tell the others about her?" I was referring to Karai.

"No need," he answered. He sounded confident, sassy. "We, uh... Had a little chat." He tilted his head up a little. He was headed to the kitchen. "And she's not gonna mess with us anymore."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Shaking my head, I scoffed. "Because villains will always be true to their word. Maybe I can talk to the Kraang, ask them to stop mutating stuff."

Leo glared at me before entering the kitchen. I followed suit soon after. Mikey and Mikito were already in. Mikey still showing the new turtle around. Leo came up and shook hands with her, welcoming her. I took a seat at the island.

Soon, Donnie walked in with a laptop. It didn't take long for Naomi to join us. She was actually off the T-Phone. Maybe she figured out how it worked.

"I'm hungry..." Mikito muttered softly, as if she wasn't sure she should say it.

Mikey's eyes lit up. "Really? I can cook!" He zipped to the fridge, making me pause. I really need to smack the energy out of him some day... "What do you guys want? Pizza omelets or omelet pizza?"

"There's a difference?" Naomi asked. She's been awfully talkative today. I glanced at her. Something changed, but it was probably the T-Phone...

"You caught my bluff," Mikey smiled. He held up the bowl of eggs we had. Before I knew it, he had the stove on and had pans out. It didn't last long since our T-Phones went off simultaneously. Great...

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