43 - Leonardo

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After a few quick directions from Donnie, and waiting on the rooftop, we sat still. It wasn't long before a familiar figure was sneaking through the alleyway. My attention drifted to the team. They had their focus down toward Pulverizer as well. A quick hand gesture and we were all on our way downward. Being light on our feet we snuck behind a dumpster. Pulverizer never saw us coming. Which was good. The quieter, the better.

As we watched the Foot Clan member accidentally sneak closer to us, his back to the wall and his attention to the street, mostly, Donnie snuck to the front of our group. When Pulverizer grew just close enough my brother snatched the back of his outfit to pull him out of the light in the alleyway.

Almost immediately did the guy beam upon seeing us. "Hey, wow, you guys got my message!" 

"Yeah, we did, now come on. We're getting you out of here," Donnie started to stand up. The rest of us followed suit, knowing that it was better to leave now.

Just as we did, though, movement caught my eye at the end of the alleyway. My head turned. Dogpound and Fishface were standing at the alleyway opening with snarls on their faces. Dogpound's ears lowered and his arms flexed. Of course it would be them. A few other Foot ninjas came up on either side of them.

Pulverizer saw our hesitation, looked over, and gasped. "Help! Help! It's the Turtles! They got me!" All of us turned to him in shock. "Sorry, guys, can't blow my cover!" He urgently whispered as he backed up into the shadows behind us.

I heard Mikey mutter to him, "Not cool, bruh." Meanwhile I took point. Donnie's staff was held in front of me like it was one of my Katanas. It was muscle memory! Just as we stared down the Foot members in front of us Mikey whined, "The one with the swords say retreat!"

My eyes rolled. Only slightly did I turn my head to look at him. "Having the swords doesn't make you leader." Just as I finished I charged forward to Dogpound.

"Well it should! I'd vote for Mikito!"

Was all I heard behind me. The charge toward Dogpound had a swing and… a miss. Bradford grabbed my arm and lifted me with his larger paw. I grit my teeth as we made brief eye contact. Another moment more and I was being tossed back to my brothers and near Pulverizer. With a grunt I was tossed into Mikey and Donnie.

"Not that… it's a bad idea," I muttered as I stood up. For once I was happy with Donnie's weapon. Using it as a helpful tool to stand I look at Dogpound and Fishface growing nearer. "Retreat!" My brothers and I turned around swiftly and started climbing up the fire escape ladders. No dice.

Dogpound grabbed my foot and tossed me back into the alley. Foot Clan surrounded me. I raised my arms to block my face from a few kicks. Pushing up on my back I raised my legs up and spun, kicking the close knit group circling me away. Donnie's staff was still awkward in my hands as I stood up. It didn't take long for me to feel surrounded. There was nothing in my vision for a while between the flurry of blows and my own actions. There was once that Mikey almost stabbed me with my own swords. This wasn't good! Before long I was kicked back to my brothers back in the original corner we had first started out as.

The Foot surrounded us with grimacing snarls. I could tell we were in a bind. Unless… "Switch weapons!" Almost immediately me and my brothers tossed our weapons and caught the correct ones. Then the battle switched in our favor. With the switch the Foot were slowly losing. We kicked them back toward the road, Dogpound with his tail between his legs. Until the building across the street's garage opened and more Foot ninja ran out with Mutagen containers. I stood in shock as they, and the Foot we had been fighting, retreated away.

"Mutagen!" Donnie gasped. "The Foot are stealing Mutagen!"

I groaned and sheathed my Katanas back in their rightful spots. "That… can't be good…"

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