23 - Naomi

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The command sent Raph toward me in a blurred action. I lifted my arm in a defensive position. A heavy force on the side of my arm caught me off guard. My foot lifted to take a step but Raph's foot caught it. He kicked my leg out from under me. Within a second I was on the ground. My head hurt...

The red-masked Turtle took a few steps back as he waited for my reaction. "Where's your basics now, huh?"

I stayed on the floor for a moment. How to get Raph off guard? He was quick, strong, and confident. Maybe too confident... I sat up and frowned at him. He smirked. This wasn't going to be easy. I knew I wouldn't be able to win, but I was determined to hold my own long enough to boast to him later.

Standing up, I watched him carefully. He was my only focus. He was bouncing on his feet with his arms up to watch me. I decided to mimic him. Legs bent, arms up, and focus on him, I felt a bit lighter and more confident than a few moments before. I could do this!

Raph took a free steps to my left. I followed him, keeping him in my hand's view. He frowned. I smirked. His lip curled up in a silent snarl. He knew he was targeted. I guess he didn't like that.

Without a warning, he jumped at me. I jumped back, gritting my teeth. Raph elbowed where I just was. When he saw I wasn't there, he snarled out loud. He didn't like this suddenly, I could tell. All I was doing was following his movements. That and remembering one of the more basic lessons: Wear your opponent out. Since I knew Raph was the impatient one, I knew it wouldn't take long for him to attack. I just needed to be on the defense.

"And where's your basics, huh?" I taunted him. As soon as I said it, Raph huffed and got in the same position as me.

His head shook as he watched me, "You're really going to regret this..."

"Really?" I asked. "You only hit me that first time. Haven't seen a blow since."

"It was two tries!" He snapped. His tone was aggravated. Did he really think he would have hit me again already?

I scoffed and tried my attack. Lowering myself to the ground only slightly, I used the forward momentum to roll toward him. Halfway through the roll, I put my hands on the ground and pushed up. It was strained work but I straightened my legs and aimed to kick at his arms. The turtle side stepped, making my attack futile and my back slamming on the ground. I grunted and looked at him.

Again he shook his head. Lifting a foot, he put it on my exposed belly. "You know, this shirt fits you. Perfect for showing the yellow belly you are."

Oh. He did not. A snarl crossed my face as I lifted my legs. One I put on the leg on me and the other behind the knee of the leg not on me. I put pressure on the back of the knee to unbalance him then proceeded to put pressure on the leg to make him fall.

Raph grunted as he fell back. I rolled away and stood up. I went back to the defensive position I had copied from him.

Rather calmly Raph stood up. He turned to me and praised, "Now that was a good one." His pose shifted as he clenched his fists. "Now try this."

Once again, he charged at me. I took a step back in preparation. His elbow got my forearm that was targeting him. I grit my teeth and took it. His leg lifted to knee me in the side. I lifted a leg and guarded the attack. Raph then grabbed my wrist and twisted it. I yelped and growled at him. My other wrist flew at his face. His eyes widened as I got him square in the jaw. Although he didn't move much, his head jolted to the side.

"Ha!" He scoffed. "You hit like a girl."

"Because I am one!" I snapped.

I twisted my wrist back to a more comfortable position, pulled it down away from both of our faces, and jolted my forehead forward. My headbutt got him on his nose. Raph yelped as he finally let go of my wrist. He took a few steps back to hold his nose, glaring at me in the process.

He snarled, "Oh, that's it! No more games!"

My eyes widened as he crouched. This time, Raph ran at me and turned mid step. All I saw was a foot aiming at my side. I tried blocking it but it was too strong and I wasn't entirely prepared. My body wanted to fall to the side but I caught myself with my feet. Raph continued to come at me.

All I saw was a blur as he hit and kicked me around. I cringed every time, trying to find where he was landing next. I'm the distance I heard Splinter yell at his son to stop.

It eventually stopped but only with Leo holding Raph's arms in the air. I turned to the two brothers and grit my teeth. They were glaring at one another. Behind me, Splinter was only a few paces away. I could tell he was coming to stop the fight. If you could even call it a fight. Leo had beat him, though.

Raph snarled, "She's weak!"

"She is still learning, Raphael!" Splinter scolded him. His staff slammed on the ground. "As are you!"

With a growl, Raph shook free from Leo's grip. He glared at his brother before glaring at me. It only lasted a moment before he looked guilty. I couldn't look at him. Turning away, I limped away and out of the dojo.

Behind me, I heard Raph start to say something but Leo cutting him off. I also heard two sets of feet following me. It was April and Mikito. They each set a hand on my back shoulder, leading me to the lab.

I had lost. That much was obvious. But not only had I lost physically, I felt like I had lost more. Lost the trust I had started gaining from him. Why must this be so difficult..?

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