26 - Naomi

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The next night, I slept in. Could you blame me? Donnie said I was out of training for a few days. And with training also came patrol. I could enjoy the music from the stereo quietly while waiting for everyone to return. And I did so. Mikito and April went to train and talk about the boys. The boys went on patrol to stop the Kraang from transporting a weapon.

Since the spar, I haven't seen or heard mask tail or shell of Raph. I wasn't complaining about that either. He could stay away for a while. But I'm sure he waned to apologize as well. After all, we had such a fun time on the Buggies the other night. The thought brought a smile to my face.

As I laid in bed, I hummed aloud in thought. My tail tip flicked as it dangled from the edge of the bed. Maybe I could go on another ride. Sitting up, I looked over my body. Still covered with bruises. Even bruises from the Power Cell night! Ugh... I'd never get rid of these. They were fading, though.

I grabbed for the crutch that Mikito had gotten from Donnie before they headed out. I leaned against it and limped my way out of the room. On the way, I turned the stereo off. Looking at the empty lair, I wondered when the boys were to come back. They said that the disruptor was transported at midnight. It was almost one in the morning. They should be back by now.

Hobbling to the kitchen, I got a drink. While drinking, hands suddenly grabbed my sides in a scaring fashion. I dropped the glass I had. Acting quick, I wrapped my tail around the perpetrator's knee. I pulled it toward knee so it would bend. The crutch I had was picked up while I leaned against my good foot. I twisted around to swing the crutch only to see Mikito's pink bandana. My entire body froze as she had her hands up I  defense.

"Oh, my gosh, Naomi, it's me!" She cried out in fear. She looked at me and smiled. I set the crutch back down and let her knee go. Mikito giggled, "I scared you, didn't I?" All I could do was nod. Her giggling increased as she turned around. "Told ya! You owe me!"

April came around the corner and sighed. "Darn. I honestly thought she wouldn't have been."

"Well, she snuck up on me pretty good," I laughed nervously. "Looks like that portion of our training is kicking in nicely."

Mikito beamed in pride at the compliment. Or the win of scaring me. Either way, it made me smile to see her beam with pride.

"We just got done training," April explained. "And the boys aren't back yet."

"Wanna take a Go Cart?" I grinned as I pointed toward the lab. I had too much fun with it the other night. Maybe they would too?

April shook her head. "Nah. Not without Donnie knowing."

I frowned. Darn. I didn't want to talk about the boys all night again. Last night's conversation was awkward as it was. It was true that I believed they were still all up in the air. I couldn't pick one. Mikey was funny, Donnie was supportive, Leo was kind, and Raph was the bad boy. It truly was difficult.

So I hobbled out of the kitchen and to the main room where I sat down on the couch. I kicked my foot up and turned the TV on. A show with blocky characters was on. They were learning spinjitsu? Like ninjitsu? I scoffed but watched it anyway.

Eventually the boys came in. Their aura was gloomy and angry. Looking over from my new obsession, I watched them enter. Donnie held a weapon which he brought into the lab. Leo and Mikey sat on the couch with me. Raph took one look at me before he started punching the dummy not far from the couch.

I looked at Leo. I knew I didn't have to say anything, only look at him, for him to talk about what happened. The katana wielding turtle sighed, "Just a bust. We got the weapon."

"But missed out on better butt kicking," Raph growled as he side kicked the dummy. I watched from my side vision. "I hate when cops ruin it for us. Fishface was gonna have it, too!" He jumped and spun, kicking the dummy off the hanger.

He huffed then looked down. I looked at Mikey who was watching the show I was watching before they came in. He laughed at the blue ninja. Smiling, I continued to watch the show with them. Even Leo went quiet to watch it. Raph eventually left to who knew where.

The show ended and I stretched. My ankle still hurt but not as bad as before the rest. Leo got up and stretched as well. He looked at Mikey and I, "Training time. Care to watch, Naomi?"

For once, I shook head. Leo looked a bit sullen but nodded. Mikey got up with a groan and followed his brother. I turned back to the TV and turned it off. Sighing, I put my head against the couch. This place was actually kind of boring when you got to the nitty gritty. Not much to do.

Snatching up the crutch again, I made my way to the lab. Donnie was busy at his desk. As I entered, he used his rolling chair to push away from the table he had blueprints on and went to the computer. He saw me and smiled before returning back to work. I went to the buggies and sat in the cart I had picked last time. I wanted to go out. Drive. Have fun!

A thud sounded from the opposite room and shouting commenced. From Donnie's position, he sighed. I looked at him curiously. "Raph's leaving the team again..."

Again? I blinked in question. Raph came into the lab then and growled. He looked at the buggy and me. At first I tight he was going to walk off but instead he neared and plopped down in the one he had previously. Starting his buggy, he drove out of the lair alone. I leaned back in mine.

"He'll be back," Donnie sighed. "He always does."

Maybe... I started my buggy and drove off after him. I was bored and there was an angry mutant in a buggy out to terrorize the city. He needed a chaperone at least!

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