24 - Mikito

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The whole spar was a nervous time bomb. When Raph started going all out, April and I watched in horror. Who's idea was it too start the spar to begin with? Thankfully, Leo stopped the his brother before it got any more deadly.

Now in the lab, I looked at Naomi worried. She was holding her arm in pain. Bruises were starting to form around her body. Like she didn't need any more after the whole Power Cell incident. April went to go find Donnie as her and I waited in the lab.

Naomi started chuckling a little. I looked at her worried. Why was she laughing at a time like this? "I just got this shirt, too."

I smiled at her as she looked at me with a weak smile. It soon stopped and she looked down. Donnie came in, saw Naomi, and rushed over. Taking a step back, I let him examine her.

Honestly, I was mad at Raph. Why would he ask for a spar when he knew we weren't ready for it? Granted, Leo would help us with some moves, but it was never a full out spar. Why was this any different? I wanted to storm in there and give Raph a free punches myself.

"You're just bruised," Donnie said. I looked over at them. Naomi nodded. "You'll be fine soon. But I'd stay off that leg for a while. No more training for a day or two."

Again, Naomi nodded. She got up off the lab table. She wore a few bandages on her arms but nothing else. Coming up to April and I, she gave a small smile.

"I'm all right," she managed. "Just need some rest."

"Then let's go to our room," I advised with a smile.

Donnie came up to us then. In his hand he held a stereo. He smiled sympathetically. "Here. I know I haven't really added much to your room like the others, but I thought you guys may enjoy this."

I took it with a smile. Naomi nodded. April thanked Donnie. With the stereo in hand, April, Naomi and I made our way to the new room. Naomi and I slept in it last night after the cockroach incident. It was much nicer than the dojo. A bit loud with the boys in the rooms next to us, but nicer. We actually had beds.

I set the stereo on the dresser. April sat down on the bed and started praising Naomi for the work she had done to Raph. The headbutt was honestly a good move. I imagine a bit tough on her wrist, but he wasn't expecting it. She chuckled and thanked April.

"I'm sure you could have lasted longer," Naomi said to her.

April scoffed. I looked over at her. She was shaking her head. "Against Raph? No. Mikey? Maybe." She giggled.

Naomi smiled then looked at me with shock. "I forgot my clothes in the lab."

"I can go get them," I grinned. "I'll be right back."

Leaving our room, I made our way back to the lab. I found the bag of clothes beside the door. I picked the bag up and peeked inside. Voices were whispering in the dojo. Probably scolding Raph. To make sure, though, I inched closer to the dojo's doors.

Inside, I could hear mostly Donnie, Leo, and Mikey. I could hear Raph and the rare Splinter however. The whole original team.

"Seriously, Raph," Leo sounded angry. "We're trying to be nice to them, not beat them to a pulp."

"And why Naomi?" Donnie sounded annoyed. "Usually you take your anger out on Mikey or Leo."

"Hey," Mikey whined.

Leo sighed, "Why, Raph?"

"I don't know!" Raph snapped. "Okay? She pressed a button and I reacted."

"Was that before or during the fight?" Leo grumbled.

A sigh. I couldn't tell from who. Probably Raph, though.

"Either way," Donnie spoke up. "She's not training for a few days. You sprained her ankle. And she's got more bruises from the other night with the Kraang."

"I didn't mean to," Raph said softly.

"It doesn't matter!" Leo raised his voice. "We're supposed to be friending them! Get used to it!"

"Oh, yeah," Raph's voice sounded agitated. Or defensive. "Like how you're trying to get on Naomi's good side so you can ask her out!"

I froze. What? Leo's got a crush on Naomi? What about me? The curiosity sparked inside me as I leaned in closer to hear.

"And those new clothes of hers doesn't really help, does it?" Raph continued.

Leo sputtered then answered, "I-I am not! I'm trying to be helpful like you should be! I'm helping them with training and their room. What are you helping them with?"

"Mechanics," Donnie answered.

"Friendship," Mikey replied.

There was a pause from Raph. Nothing came from him.

"You are all working on your friendship with the girls," Splinter spoke up. "However, they can either strengthen the team or break it apart. Do your best to strengthen it. They can be good additions against your fight with the Kraang, Shredder, and future foes."

A long pause came from the boys. I guess that was my cue to leave. I learned a lot, though. Heading back to the room, I smiled as I walked in.

"Took you long enough," Naomi scoffed in a joking manner. "Did you try some on?"

I giggled and shook my head. "No. I was..." I shouldn't tell them I was eavesdropping. They may ask about what. "... having difficulty finding the bag. Donnie's gotta clean up the lab some time."

"I try to tell him," April smiled. "But the only time he seems to want to us when I offer to help clean it with him."

"Ooo," Naomi smirked. She said it I  a sing song voice. "Someone's got an admirer!"

April scoffed and smiled. She even blushed a little. "It's not as mad as Mikey and Mikito!"

"What?" I felt my face burn up. "April!"

"It's true!" Naomi grinned. "Mikey's always with you. And you're always with him. You two are so cute together."

I blushed and looked down a little. I mean... He was funny and all. I don't know. Maybe they were right. Should I bring up Leo to Naomi? Or maybe she had her own opinion?

Sitting on my bed, I leaned toward Naomi. "What about you? Do you think you have an admirer?"

Naomi looked at me. "I'm pretty sure I do."

"Seriously, though," April started seriously. "Leo. Have you seen him? I've not seen him act this obvious since Karai."

"Oh, I know," Naomi smiled. "But I don't think he's my type. Too serious. I honestly think we'd butt head constantly."

"Really?" April asked. She looked amazed. I did too. "Then who do you think you'd try for?"

The lizard shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. They're all up in the air."

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