49 - Mikito

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Raph was with Spike, Donnie was pulling off his broken flight suit and going to the lab, Mikey and Leo were going to the dojo to look for everyone. Me? I was standing in the main room with my arms around myself. The mission for me was a failure. I didn't have the courage I usually had when Naomi was around. Or when I was in training. Maybe I wasn't cut out for all this? 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a shout from the dojo. Donnie even stopped going to the lab to turn and run to the room. So did Raph who had set Spike down to do it. I undressed my arms from my sides and went to join them in rushing to the dojo. What happened?

Mikey was on the ground with Kirby pinning him down. Mikey had his hands up to hold back Kirby from punching him. Leo was already almost there to help his brother, the rest of us coming by to help as well. Soon we had Kirby off Mikey who was standing up and brushing himself off frantically. "What the heck, dude? We saved you!"

"Wait, wait, Mikey!" Donnie barked. He was looking at a spot on the back of the man's neck. Even I couldn't help but to look over curiously from my spot holding his arm back. "Look," the bo staff wielder murmured.

"What is it?" I asked. 

His red-brown eyes looked at me a moment before they turned back to the device. "One way to find out," he answered. "Raph, could you?"

The red masked turtle who was a little late on grabbing the red haired attacker blinked at us before coming up and reaching carefully to the device on the back of Kirby's neck. With surprisingly gentle fingers he grasped it and pulled. It came out with just a slight drop of blood after it was off him. As soon as it was gone Kirby slumped in our arms. I dug my foot into the carpet and grit my teeth as I, Donnie, and Leo held the guy up.

"Whoa," Mikey murmured. "Did you find his off switch?"

Raph growled at him, "I'll show you an off switch."

"Knock it off, guys," Leo snapped at him. "Help me get him to the couch." And that's what we did. Donnie and I lifted him up, Raph and Mikey grabbing his legs.

Into the main room we went and set Kirby on the couch. Just as we got him situated a noise from the rooms made me turn my head. Julie was peeking out around the corner. She saw me looking at her, flicked an ear, then went back behind the wall out of sight. I furrowed my brows. I stood up. Light ninja steps were taken toward the rooms. By this time the guys were talking back and forth about what we had pulled out of Kirby's neck.

My focus was the door closing to our room. With the determination of finding out what Julie was doing I snuck up to the door. I set my hand on the handle and slowly opened it. Thankfully none of the lair's doors had locks. Else I may not have been able to open it depending on how secretive Julie wanted to be. The door opened just a crack, enough for me to listen inside the room. It seemed as if nothing was going on. Until --

"You don't have to sneak in, Mikito. It's your room, too." It was Naomi's voice. I gulped and opened it completely, looking at her. Naomi was sitting on her bed. Julie was making her way away from the door with her tails swishing, sitting on a chair not too far from where the lizard was. She was staring at me with her blue eyes as if waiting for me to say something.

I lifted myself up on my toes, balancing while doing so. "So, uhmm… Where's Splinter and April?" I decided to ask casually.

"They're not out there?" Naomi asked. Her head tilted a little to the side when she did. I shook my head in answer. Her expression changed only slightly. Her focus went to Julie then who blinked. "I wouldn't know, then. I've been in here."

"Oh," I muttered. I looked down and kicked at the ground a little. Nothing else was said. The room grew almost tense. It was really awkward. Not sure what else to say or do I slowly backed out of the room. Back out in the hallway I started back for the main room. The guys were talking with Kirby who had woken back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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