14 - Mikito

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When the boys left, Naomi and I managed to get the Shell Raiser a few more inches before we gave up ourselves. It wasn't easy pushing a giant subway car with two mutants. We walked in the lair and sat on the couch. The two of us took our own end of the couch and relaxed. Out was a while before we heard anything coming from the subway tunnels.

Looking up, the engine noises stopped. I heard Mikey's, Leo's, and Donnie's voice. It was them. Not sure who else it would be other than April. Haven't seen her in a while. Not since Leo talked about some supposed new chick? What was her name again? Kerry? Kaylee? Kalahari? I giggled. Nope. Probably none of those.

"Hey, girls!" Leo exclaimed as they came into view. He waved once. "Wanna come with us to do some research?"

"What kind of research?" Naomi sat up from her end of the couch. She was still bruised. Why did she want to leave still? Boredom?

"We lost the Power Cell..." Leo sighed. "We're gonna ask the friend who gave it to us where the Kraang may have taken it."

"Remind me what the Power Cell was again?"

"It's a long story..."

"That's what I thought," Naomi frowned. "Long stories after long stories." She layed back down. Guess she didn't want to go.

Leo turned to me and I blinked. What was I supposed to say? I didn't wasn't to stay in the lair all night. Besides, their friends meant my friend. Hopefully. I smiled and nodded, "Sure!"

Mikey was visibly relieved to hear it. Leo smiled and nodded. Raph just looked at Naomi, as if waiting for her to change her mind. Of course, Naomi was looking at me, her tail tip flicking to and fro. Kind of reminded me of a Grandfather clock.

"Fine," Naomi grumbled as she sat up. "I'll go..." Leo started to speak but she got up and raised a hand, making a "quiet" gesture with her hands. "But only because Mikito is my responsibility. She's my teammate."

Was... That a compliment? I smiled. At least someone said I was their teammate. The boys, on the other hand, looked generally confused. They didn't argue thankfully. I don't think Naomi would have stood for it.

So without much continuation of the subject, Naomi and I followed the boys out. We passed the Shell Raiser and the carts the boys left on when they left to look for that Power Cell. Personally, I waned to hear what the Power Cell did. It sounded important. And it was the only thing that had powered the Shell Raiser.

"Would you... like to know now about the Power Cell?" Leo took a step back from the front of the group. Mikey took over with a skip. I smiled as I looked at Leo. He was looking at me and Naomi.

I nodded with a smile. Naomi looked forward without answering for a while. It was two adjacent tunnels before Naomi answered, "Sure."

Leo seemed to immediately relax. I'm not entirely sure why they tensed up around us. We weren't exactly a danger to them. But the blue-masked Turtle started off by explaining where they got it from. An alligator named Leatherhead, who we were going to see. He gave it to them and Donnie used it for the Shell Raiser. But they lost it, which is when we were with them.

"So..." I started out. "It's an alien battery?"

"Pretty much," Donnie chuckled. "But if the Kraang have it... We don't know what they'll do."

"We're here!" Mikey exclaimed happily. We had stopped in front of a sewage pool. I paused as the boys looked at each other. Were they...?

Mikey jumped in the air and screamed at the top of his lungs,  "Cowabunga!" He splashed in the pool, making me cover my face.

Soon the other boys splashed in as well. They looked at us girls with smiles or, in Raph's case, smirks. I looked at Naomi who was staring at each of them in disgust. "You want us to swim in that?" She exclaimed.

Raph nodded, "The only way to reach Leatherhead in the middle of the day."

"The water's fine, gals! See?" Mikey took a hand and sent a wave toward us. I screeched and giggled. Naomi yelped and jumped back. She growled as she glared at the orange-masked turtle.

"Feels fine to me!" I joked as I jumped into the water. The only problem was, I didn't realize there was no bottom and I sunk rather fast. Kicking my legs and flailing my arms, I made it back to the surface and coughed. Mikey splashed me and I giggled and splashed back.

"No way!" Naomi huffed. Her arms crossed. "I'd rather get my liver shot with a Kraang bullet than this."

"Not a fan of water?" Raph teased. Naomi growled at him. He smirked. Then he turned to Leo. "Guess she isn't coming. Wouldn't make a good ninja after all."

I saw Naomi's tail whip in anger as she heard that. Oh, no... Leo glanced at Naomi. The lizard mutant turned and stomped back down the way we came. My heart sunk. I was really hoping she would have--

Naomi stopped suddenly. Turning around, she puffed out her chest a little. Growling loud enough for me to hear, she started charging at us. I squeaked as I clung to the side of the pool. She ran then jumped. Raph screamed as he got out of her way. Naomi made herself into a cannonball. She splashed into the water with a whoop.

When she emerged, Mikey raised a hand in the air. "I give it a nine! Scared the crap out of Raph!" Naomi laughed and gave Mikey a high five.

Raph growled then chuckled. "Guess you'll make a good ninja."

Naomi smiled at him, Raph smirked in response. Leo gestured at us and he dived down after taking a deep breath. We all followed.

During our swim is when I began thinking about how Raph was starting to change. He was joking with Naomi before. Did she know it or was she taking it seriously and challenging him? Either way, it seemed he lightened up a bit since the antidote scene.

Although the majority of us were Turtles, Naomi wasn't. She had to stop a few times to get air. We stopped with her. During the stops, Mikey gathered trash and junk from the water. He was cleaning the environment! How nice! The second time Naomi got some air she told us to continue swimming the next time she took a breather. It didn't take long for her to get behind us. Thankfully, we were there within a ten minute span.

Climbing out of the pool we were supposed to get out, Raph helped Naomi out. She was out of breath and leaning against Raph a little for support.

That's when I heard a low growling sound in the darkness. I froze. Nobody explained to me how big Leatherhead was. In the corner of the low light I saw a massive figure with scales. Maybe this wasn't the best time to come with. Taking a few steps back, I hid behind Mikey and Leo.

"Aww," Mikey cooed as he neared the larger mutant. "Look how cute he is."

Leatherhead's jaw opened up wise as he roared on his sleep. Mikey jumped back and I squeaked, pushing myself against the wall.

"Can I take my chances in the water?" I asked the boys. "He's a big mutant..."

"Oh, you should see Dogpound then," Mikey grinned.

"Not the best time, Mikey..." Leo snapped at him. "Now... Who's gonna wake him up?"

"Not it!" Raph, Donnie, and Leo said in unison. It took a second after for Naomi and I to call out the same short sentence.

Mikey pumped a fist in the air. "Yes! I'm it!" He froze then. I squeezed his arm and went to hide behind Naomi and Leo this time.

As the freckled turtle snuck up to the mutant, I was starting to think maybe they weren't friends. You shouldn't have to sneak up on someone! Mikey proceeded to lift a foot and poke Leatherhead's side. "Leatherheaaad... Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey..."

Below Mikey's foot, Leatherhead growled. I heard the alligator hissing as he stood up. I couldn't help but cling to Naomi in front of me in fear. Leatherhead was twice the size of Mikey! Even under my grip I could feel Naomi's body tense up as well. So she was scared too. Good to know!

What really made it worse was that Leatherhead roared at Mikey and raised an arm to swipe at him. This couldn't be good!

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