12 - Leonardo

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Of course it didn't take long for the Kraang to find us. I saw the vans coming as they rounded the corners. I was ready for them. I didn't hear the dull thumps on the roof until later.

The vans behind us started nearing. I was going as fast as I could on the Shell Raiser. "Everybody better hold on!" I shouted as I cranked the gears on the Raiser. I really liked this thing; there was no way the Kraang would get their tentacles on the Power Cell!

"Hold her steady, Leo!" I heard Raph shout. Good to see he was recovering nicely. "I'll take care of the ones on our tail." I heard a whirring sound then the air start whooshing. Glancing at one of my mini screens I noticed Raph was outside the Raiser on a pedestal with a type of weapon. It didn't take long for him to fire it.

The screen beside Raph's I saw the outside camera from the top. Kraang. Of course. "Guys!" I growled. "The Kraang are on the roof!"

I heard shuffling behind me. I didn't know who went up. I was focused on the road in front of me. Kraang were starting to fire at the Shell Raiser from the front. In a frantic rush, I flipped some switches to the right of me, just under some cameras. Thankfully they were the right ones because the jaws on the Raiser started opening and closing.

"Nobody told me they were robot aliens!" Pulverizer exclaimed in shock.

I rolled my eyes as I glanced at my screens. "Why would we tell you?"

"Leo!" Mikey's voice screamed from the top of the roof. In a panic I looked at the top of the Raiser screen. Naomi, Donnie, and Mikey were on the roof. "Kraang can fly! Kraang can flyy-yy!"

"Wonderful!" I muttered under my breath. So I had Raph shooting from the back, Pulverizer behind me, and three of the team on the roof. Where was Mikito? I took a glance behind me and she was watching the screens in Donnie's spot.

One of the Kraang said something out of the blue from the roof. "A Salamandrian!" I looked away from the road again and looked at the roof cameras. Many of the Kraang had stopped and were either pointing or looking at Naomi. That can't be good.

"Get in, guys!" I shouted, seeing a Kraang van turn around a sudden curve. My brothers and Naomi all came inside at once. Jerking the steering wheel to the right, we all jolted. The Shell Raiser came to a slamming stop on a wall.

My seat belt stopped my head from hitting the steering wheel, which I was grateful for. I quickly unbuckled and went to the door and opened it. My brothers quickly followed us. I couldn't tell where the girls went but I knew they wouldn't have followed us. They weren't ready for this.

Coming up to the nearest Kraang, I grabbed my blades and quickly went to work. From my side vision, I noticed Raph, Donnie, and Mikey doing the same. Good. We needed to protect that Power Cell. We didn't want to push the Shell Raiser home!

The Kraang around us continued to come at a steady rate. I couldn't tell which was left and right at a certain point. Eventually I could take a breath and look around me.

Raph was busy with a few Kraang. Nothing he couldn't handle. Mikey was hopping and flipping around like he usually did to avoid some blasters. From the Shell Raiser, I saw Mikito on the weapon Raph was just on, firing random manhole covers where she could. I couldn't see tail nor hide on Naomi but I assumed from the firing of the cannon that's where she was.

Suddenly I noticed that the Shell Raiser stopped working. Mostly because Mikito had a look of confusion on her face as she looked at her weapon. That's when I noticed a Kraang droid leaving the Raiser with the Power Cell.

"He's got the Power Ce--" I was cut off as I lifted a Katana to avoid being cut in half with a chain saw. Hopefully someone heard me. I fought off the Kraang I was dealing with as I started to hear a helicopter. That can't be good.

"Pulverizer, no!" I heard Donnie shout. Stomping on the Kraang I was dealing with for good riddance, I looked up. Sure enough, Pulverizer was headed to the Kraang droid that was on it's way to the helicopter. "You really can't!" Donnie must've been answering something I couldn't hear.

I started to run over but was caught in the middle of Kraang droids. They really picked up between the time it took for the Shell Raiser to power down and the girls to stop helping from now. Within minutes, the Kraang had pinned Pulverizer and Donnie was there to save him.

All the while, the first Kraang that had the Power Cell got away with it from the helicopter. After that, it didn't take long for the Kraang to disperse. Because of that, we finished the rest of them off.

Taking a breather, I shook my head as I watched the helicopter take off. Everyone else soon gathered around me. I looked at each of them. They didn't look that badly beaten up.

Pulverizer was the last one to come up to the group. "I mucked everything up again, didn't I?"

"Yup," I frowned. I sheathed my Katanas and sighed.

"Don't worry, Pulverizer," Mikito smiled. She offered a hand. "You didn't do it all."

"She's right," Donnie spoke up. I looked at him. "It's my fault that the Power Cell was taken because I went through that wall."

"Yeah..." Naomi muttered. Glancing over, I noticed some bruising on her shoulders and head. Guess not everyone got away unscathed. "I won't forget that."

I turned back to Pulverizer. He was smiling apologetically. "Hey, Donnie?" My brother looked at him. "Could we... Maybe continue training sometime?"

With a casual and confident step forward, Donnie placed his hand on the guy's shoulder. Dipping his head suddenly, he said forcefully, "No."

"All right..." Pulverizer sighed. Donnie stepped back to the rest of us, his attention now focused on the Shell Raiser behind us. "But no matter where crime may roam... Whoever seeks--"

"Bye!" We all said simultaneously.

The suited man turned and left us to our thoughts. I looked at everyone again to make sure they were okay. Donnie had his thinking face on. I didn't like where this was going already.

"We gotta get that Power Cell back..." he muttered.

"Well, first," I stopped him before he could continue. "We need to get the Shell Raiser home. How are we going to do that?"

We all turned to the Raiser. I heard a sigh from Mikito and a groan from Mikey. Pushing it was, then. Donnie let Naomi take over driving since she was the most busted up out of us. Surprising, honestly. As we pulled it away from the wall, it was rather hard to push. I heard a click and it was suddenly easier.

"Who put the parking brake on!" Naomi's voice called out from inside the Raiser. "Leo! We were fighting Kraang, how did you have time to remember to do that!"

I chuckled a few times as everyone scoffed. We continued to push it with ease back to the lair. Before we did, though, Donnie left us. The pushing job just got a little harder. He came back with the four patrol buggies.

"Awesome, thinking, Donnie!" I praised him.

"We'll use these to follow the readings from the Power Cell!" he exclaimed as he got his T-Phone out.

Raph, Mikey, and I didn't push the Raiser back to the garage all the way. Instead, we hopped in our designated buggies. I looked up at Mikito and Naomi.

"You two go back to the lair. We'll be back shortly." I told them. Mikito nodded and went inside the Shell Raiser to tell the lizard. Turning back to the tracks, I drove the patrol buggy grouping away. Hopefully it won't take us long to return because the whole "Salamandrian" thing was confusing me...

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