17 - Leonardo

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It didn't take long for Mikito to show up after we entered the lair. Mikey had come up to her and explained what happened. I watched as a look of shock and fear came over her face. She didn't even know Leatherhead like we did. I guess she figured out that losses weren't the best anyway.

Mikito fled into the dojo. That's probably where Naomi was. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey all sat at the couch. I watched them before joining.

"I can't believe we lost Leatherhead..." Donnie sighed. "I mean... I know he grabbed my face and all, but..."

"Yeah..." Mikey muttered. "But I found this." From a pocket on his belt, he pulled out a piece of silver. It looked like Kraang technology and it looked like a memory card.

Donnie got up and came up to his brother. He took the piece of equipment. "Do you know what this is?"

"Shiny," Mikey grinned.

Donnie shook his head and backed up a step while looking at the piece of Kraang equipment. "It's a Kraang flash drive." As soon as he said it, he turned toward his lab. On the way, he began muttering to himself. "I can figure out what the Kraang are up to officially--"

Sighing, I sat back against the couch and stared at the ceiling. Raph got up from where he was sitting. With quick movements he jumped up and grabbed hold of the middle section that had stairs winding downward. He climbed up and laid down. That meant he was going to ignore us for a while.

While waiting for Donnie to decode the memory drive, I left the main room. What were Naomi and Mikito up to? Entering the dojo, I didn't see them right away. They were behind the tree. I watched them a moment, noticing their positions and stillness. Meditating. A smile formed on my face. Splinter really did trust them. I couldn't argue with my father. They seemed to mean well.

Coming over to them, I noticed that Naomi had a hold of Mikito's wrist. Not in a forced way but just laying her hand on her. It was a kind gesture. I decided to leave them be after that. Turning, I left the dojo just in time to hear some conversation.

"I still don't understand why they took my father..." It was April. I almost forgot she was here. Honestly, I thought she had left after planning. Guess she stayed to train.

Raph spoke up from his perch, "But your father's a scientist."

"He's a psychologist," she looked down. "He studies rats running through mazes." Splinter came up from the kitchen area and looked at her. "No offense, Master Splinter."

He smiled and nodded, "I do like a good maze."

"But I still don't understand why him," she sighed. Her head fell into her hands. I worried about her. I really hoped we would find her father soon. I don't know what I'd do without Splinter.

The lab door opened and Donnie was standing in the entry. "I don't think it was him they were looking for."

All of us in the main room looked at the staff wielding turtle. I decided that this may be important for the girls as well. As everyone else, including Splinter, filed into the lab, I went into the dojo instead. The girls hadn't moved. I knew it was rude to interrupt someone meditating but I didn't want to leave them out again. They deserve to know what we do at this point.

Gently touching Naomi's shoulder, her eyes opened. In the shadow of the tree, they seemed to glow a little. I smiled a little as she blinked, recognizing me. She was really into it. Without a word, Naomi turned to Mikito and shook her wrist. The pink bandana turtle opened her golden eyes and looked at Naomi and me.

"What's going on?" She asked as she straightened her back a bit more in a stretch.

"Donnie got a hold of a Kraang memory card. He found something on it," I answered. Naomi perked up a bit. "We don't know what he found." She slouched a little.

They got up. I took a few steps back. When they stood up, I lead them into the lab. I probably missed the part where Donnie explained how he translated everything. That or he was waiting for us to enter.

My answer was given as soon as my face was visible from the doorway. Donnie turned his attention to the computer screen and began explaining how he transferred information from Metalhead to the memory card to help him translate it.

"It was a bit scattered and broken," Donnie started to finish. "But I think I figured out why the Kraang are after your father."

Pressing a button, images flashed across the screen. I felt my entire body freeze as I turned my attention toward April. All the pictures on the screen had pictures of the teenager.

"They were after... me?" She gasped in shock. "Why?"

"It didn't say," Donnie shook his head as he looked at April. A look of worry flashed across my brother's face. "I don't know if we ever will."

"This isn't okay," April started to back up. "Why would... Why would the Kraang want me? Why did they take my father then?"

I took a steep toward her. "April..." Blue eyes met mine. "You know we'll get him back. We just need to figure out where he is."

Her jaw was clenched but she nodded. Turning her head away from everyone's gaze, she hugged herself. I knew this was hard for her.

"Thanks, guys," she eventually said. "I'm... gonna go home for now. I'll see you soon." I nodded. April left. I watched until her ponytail was gone from view.

Finally. Now, with some Kraang technology and Naomi in the same room, I turned to Donnie. "Did you find anything about Salamandrian?"

The entire room suddenly felt like the air fled. My chest felt like it was caving in from the amounts of pressure from everyone around me. So they did hear the Kraang say it too. It wasn't just me. I glanced at Naomi. Her facial features were impossible to read but I saw her tail tip flicking back and forth.

"Uhm..." Donnie started rather nervously. "Not... really..."

"Not really?" Raph repeated. So this topic caught his attention. Good thing it wasn't just me. "What's that mean?"

"Well," Donnie continued. "I haven't searched through the entire memory card. There's a lot of data that's missing and scattered. It could have once been there but I've not seen anything."

"Can you search the memory card for the word?" A voice that I thought wouldn't speak during this conversation asked. Naomi had leaned in forward a little. She was curious. Just as we all were.

Donnie looked at the lizard for a moment. "I could try." Naomi nodded and Donnie turned back to the computer. I saw his fingers type the word "Salamandrian". What came up on screen were symbols I weren't familiar with. I guess that was Kraang writing for the large word.

We all watched the computer screen drift through the files of the broken Kraang card. The tension in the air was growing with each passing second. Why was there so much tension? Guilt? Fear? Anger?

An angry buzzing sound made the air lessen a little. Donnie's computer flashed red letters that read "No Match Found".

"What was this about, my sons?" Splinter asked. I jumped a little and looked at him. I had thought he had left.

"Well..." Mikito smiled at him. "You know how we lost the Power Cell?"

"Briefly," Sensei answered.

"Naomi was on the roof helping the boys and one of those robot things shouted 'Salamandrian'."

"We've been wondering what it is," I spoke up.

"And if it's what I am," Naomi finished. "I could maybe get a head start on where we come from if we did."

Splinter looked at each of us. He didn't look very impressed. "You all still wish to know their history. Why not focus on what they are learning now instead?"

Sensei didn't say anything more as he finally left the lab. I looked down. He was right. We should be focusing on the present and future with the girls. They were learning fast and we were getting along with them.

Turning my attention back to Naomi, she was looking at the computer screen with a sad look in her eyes. Although my brothers and I should focus on their future, I knew they wouldn't stop searching for their past.

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