21 - April

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Even a couple days after the whole Kraang incident, I still wasn't sure what to do. The only other logical thing I could do was go back down to the sewers ans start training. If the Kraang wanted me, they were gonna have to fight through a lot to keep me still. That's when I remembered I promised Naomi clothes. Would she wear the same size as me?

Getting out the T-Phone Donnie so graciously gave me, I looked at the network we were all connected through. Thankfully the T-Phones updated regularly so Naomi's number was in there. Typing quickly, I asked the mutant lizard, What size of clothes do you wear?

I set the phone down as I went to the closet. It would really be bad if I had to go buy some. Maybe Irma may have something? Then again, she's smaller than me. Maybe not. I sighed as I stared at my closet.

The T-Phone went off and I went to check. I say large for shirt and sixteen for pants or shorts. Another sigh came from me. Yep, she was a bit too big. That meant shopping. Secondhand store it was.

Gathering my wallet and ID, I walked out into the city. It was rally afternoon, which meant the boys would probably be getting up. I hadn't heard from them in a while. Donnie usually keeps me updated with their missions.

What did they do last night? I heard some kind of distant explosion. Hopefully it was another Kraang base. If I visited tonight they would probably say something about it.

Walking down the street, I looked around. Just a casual day in New York. Personally I was looking for some kind of cheap clothing store. Naomi needed clothes and in bulk. It was a while before I spotted one down the block. Finally.

Keeping my attention locked on the store, I bumped into a boy. He dropped the backpack he was only holding. Turning around, I started to apologize, "I'm sor--"

"It's okay," he cut me off. He picked it up. Although normal for late summer New York, he had a sweater on. The more curious thing he had on was a hood. "Nothing dropped out."

"O-Okay," I gave a smile. "Have a good day then."

Starting to turn away, he stopped me, "But... uh... Can I ask where the nearest Bradford dojo is?"

Bradford. That was the mutant Mikey called Dogpound. My teeth grinded together as I debated with myself on what to say in this incident. I could say yes and give him the directions, another Foot to fight in the future. Or I could say no. He may follow me in case it's in the direction I was going. Then again, my destination was just a block away.

With a smile, I shook my head, "No, I'm afraid I don't."

His head hung a little but he nodded. "All right. Thank you, though." He shouldered his backpack again and continued down the sidewalk. I watched him for a while longer. Maybe I'll see him again if he's going to a Bradford dojo.

Shaking my head, I continued to the secondhand store. Opening the door, the welcome bell dinged. In the back I heard a distant "hello". I set to browsing for the larges.

Near the center was an even better clearance isle. I browsed the sizes as a heavier set woman came from the back. "Can I hello you find anything?"

"I think I fond the sizes I was looking for," I answered her. "Thank you, though."

"Then let me know if there's anything I can do for you."

I nodded and pushed hangers away as I looked at the options. Naomi wore a yin-yang bandana. Personally, I think she may like black more. More so because of the shirt she's been wearing since I met her. A dark grey with a flame-like red gradient coming from the bottom.

There was a lot of options. I chose some of the simpler designs. Three of them were black based while the fourth was a grey based. The first black shirt only bore a red M with a pink mustache. I didn't know what it stood for, but I wasn't gonna ask. Another black shirt bore a green eyeball on the corner of the shirt. The last black shirt had two wolf-like designs. They seemed to go in a circle like a yin-yang symbol. And the grey shirt had a creature on it that looked like a lion but with gold bars sticking out of its mane and a space-like forehead. I didn't know what it was. Maybe Naomi wouldn't either. Hopefully she didn't ask.

For bottoms, I picked out two shorts and two leggings. If she was training, she probably wouldn't like pants. And leggings were flexible. Finally, I went up to the woman behind the counter. She rang me up, told me my total, and took my money when I paid. Thanking her afterward, I left with the clothes. Now to the lair.

Going toward a less occupied section of the block I was in, I went into an ally. It turned behind a building with a dead end. It stunk like trash, smoke, and blood. This was probably a gang place at night. I didn't want to stay and find out.

Pulling up the manhole cover, I climbed down, pulling the cover back over me on the way down. As soon as my feet landed on the ground, I looked around to see where I was. Not far from the lair.

It didn't take long for me to enter through the entrance. I looked around. Nobody was visible. Maybe they already left? Then I heard a thump and growl in the dojo. Training. Wonder who? I took the bag of clothes just in case it was Naomi. Peeking in, it was Naomi but she was training with Leo. Mikito was watching on the sides. Not even I trained with Leo... I made a face but I watched anyway. Maybe I could learn something.

Neither of them had weapons. When I walked in, Naomi was doing a partial spilt with one leg to the side and the other bent under her. Leo had his grip on her wrists as he tried to push her back. Naomi was grunting and gritting her teeth from the pressure. Her tail moved closer to her legs as she fell back and used the momentum to toss Leo over her.

Leo rolled into a crouching position and turned back to Naomi. She rolled to the side and jumped up, facing Leo. He charged at the lizard and they repeated the pattern. Oh. They were practicing moves. That, or defensive strategies. Either way, Naomi got quicker after the fourth time. The fifth time she actually tricked Leo. She used her tail and wrapped it around his ankle, pulling his leg out from under him.

Mikito giggled and I smiled. I was really glad that they were catching up to me. It may be fun training with them.

"Yamae!" Splinter called. "Enough. We have company."

The three mutants looked over as I stepped in with a smile.

"Hi, April!" Mikito called out. "Did you see Leo fall?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I can't wait to go against you again, Naomi." From behind Leo, the lizard smirked. I lifted the bag. "But I brought you clothes."

Naomi's eyes flashed with curiosity as she made her way forward. Without a pause in movement, she made her way out of the dojo and into the main room. I smiled and looked at Leo.

"Keeping you on your toes, ain't she?" I asked him

He simply nodded and rubbed the back of his head. "She's smart, learns quickly, but only if she's the one doing it. Telling her doesn't really do much."

"That's why I'm watching," Mikito grinned. "But since Naomi's busy, it's my turn!"

"Mind if I join you, then?" I asked as I stepped forward. They nodded and we started to train.

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