11 - Naomi

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Within a few minutes, the three of us were working on the Shell Raiser. Donnie was on top with his welding tool, Mikito was inside making sure buttons worked, and I was on the outside, making sure that the outside was good to go as well as defensible. The new guy, though I have yet to learn his name, was in the middle of the lab. Donnie made sure he stayed there to avoid knocking over any more vials.

It didn't take long for his curiosity to kick in, though. As I was on the side of the Shell Raiser buffing it up, he went over to Donnie's staff and picked it up. I blinked, wondering if he could have that or not. But he came back to the middle of the lab. Rolling my eyes, I continued to buff the Raiser. Before I knew it, "hi-yahs" and "hoo" sounds were coming from the new guy. Oh, my goodness.

"Put that down!" Donnie finally snapped at him. Good. I moved to the back of the Raiser to continue buffing.

Of course heard the new guy argue back, "But wait, wait. I wanna show you this cool move I figured out."

Some shuffling came from the top of the Raiser. A thump and steps away from the Raiser was all I heard. Donnie must have jumped down. This time my curiosity got the best of me and I walked around the front. Mikito had thre door open. I came over and sat down on the floor of the open doors and watched Donnie and the new guy. Mikito soon joined me.

We watched as Donnie took the staff from him. "If you must play with the staff, and apparently you must, try this:" He paused and started spinning the staff. "See what I'm doing? Keeping my arms close to my body. Smooth. Fluent." Suddenly he stopped the staff and gave it back to the human. "You try."

While the new guy was busy figuring out how to use the staff, I remembered how Donnie handled it. It was smooth. It was fluent. The way it spun, you could confuse opponents. Confuse them while you keep them at a distance. Nunchucks like Mikey's could work to confuse others as well but I didn't find much comfort in two weapons. Staff, though... I smiled internally.

"I don't wanna learn the basics, I wanna know the good stuff!" the human was arguing with Donnie.

I turned to Mikito, "What'd I miss?"

She looked at me in shock, "You've been watching the entire time! What do you mean 'what'd I miss'?"

"I was thinking," I answered. "What'd I miss?"

"Foam rubber," Mikito smiled. I stared at her in a blank confusion. "The guy's wearing foam rubber under his suit."

I mouthed the word "okay" but didn't say it aloud. I watched as the new guy had a blade suddenly come out of the staff. He screamed and fell back as he dropped the weapon. I snickered. Idiot. Mikito also giggled a little.

"And that's why we start with the basics," Donnie sighed, his arms crossed. He turned to Mikito and I. "Naomi, Mikito, could you finish welding that cannon on the top of the Raiser? I'm gonna help Pulverizer with his... training..."

So that's what was going to be on top of the Shell Raiser. I nodded and got up. Jumping up on the bigger wheel of the Shell Raiser, I climbed on top. When I reached the top I offered a hand to Mikito to help her out. She took it and I began pulling her up. She was a bit heavier than I realized! She helped me out by putting a foot on the bigger wheel and jumping. I practically swung her over to the top and I breathed out.

Donnie and, I assumed his name was Pulverizer, walked out, Donnie holding his staff again. I turned to Mikito and smiled. Thankfully, Donnie left his welding tool up here so we could get to work. However, he didn't have an extra welding mask. I told Mikito I'd find another one. Hopping down, I started to searching. All the while, Mikito was slowly trying to figure out how to use the tool. Eventually I heard a clank as she set it down.

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