4 - Donatello

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As Naomi left, I tried my best to keep a straight face. She was difficult to understand. I kept telling myself it was because she was scared. Scared of us, her environment, or what she could remember or what she forgot. That or she's scared that she is lying and we can figure it out. However, I believed her when she said she couldn't remember anything. Her and Mikito both.

I turned back to Mikito and watched her for a moment before turning back to her blood work. It didn't tell me a lot. Only that she was a mutant and was healthy. It didn't explain her constant unconsciousness. Unless she had had trauma before or during the mutation. I would need a cat scan for anything more for during the mutation.

My hypothesis for the two are that Mikito and Naomi mutated by mistake. They were probably in high stress and Mikito managed to get head trauma. Naomi's attitude may just be who she is, even before the mutation.

I sighed and sat down at my desk, putting my head in my hands. They were so confusing... But not deadly. Not as deadly as Shedder. I paused and looked over at the lab door. Leo was walking in. Standing back up, I walked up to him.

"We're gonna go on patrol tonight," Leo said quietly. As if Mikito would wake up and hear, begging to go. "It's up to you if you want to stay to jeep an eye on her or come with us and take a chance."

Looking at him, I paused in thought. It would be nice to go on patrol but Mikito may wake up without anyone here. Or Naomi would explore like she has been and finds us gone. I wasn't sure how she would react to that... Sit on the couch in the dark and turn the lights on when we walk in like some classic movie? Or just go back to bed and we'd hear about it the next day?

"I'll go. I think it would be nice to get done fresh air," I smiled. "Besides, if we pass the area that we found the girls, we may figure something out."

Leo nodded and patted my shoulder. "Good. We'll meet up at the entrance. Just be a bit quiet for Naomi. She's smart..."

"Yeah." I nodded and watched as Leo left. I sighed and looked at Mikito again.

For the next few hours, I preoccupied myself with research and samples from Mikito to see if there was a way to tell if she has head trauma a different way rather than a cat scan. A lot of hocus pocus lies. Nothing really beneficial to me or her. I was so absorbed in my work that I almost didn't make it to when we were to meet up.

I made sure to check on Mikito before I left the lab. Healthy and good. Hopefully she didn't wake up before we got back. I left and met up with my brothers. Leo was watching the lab for me to appear, Mikey was on his T-Phone, and Raph had his arms crossed while tapping his foot.

As I approached the group, I asked, "Where are we going?"

"Just a regular patrol," Leo answered. He turned and led the four of us out of the lair. All the while, Raph didn't look all that amused. I wasn't sure if he was angry about the girls or something else. Either way, I didn't mention it.

Soon making it to the topside, I breathed out in a small and exhausted sigh. There had to be an easier way to get to the topside... I mean... The patrol buggy is good and all but I'm sure we need something we could all fit into. Maybe Leatherhead's subway cart...? I could put wheels and weapons and cameras and--

"Donnie! We're up here!" I looked up to see Leo looking down at me. "I think we found some Kraang. Move!" He disappeared from the top of the building. It was then I realized I didn't follow them up. I was still by the manhole.

Climbing and jumping up, I eventually reached my brothers who were on the other side of the roof, looking down. When Leo saw me, he turned around to look back down at the alley before him. Again, I came up beside them, standing by Mikey.

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