48 - Michelangelo

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We're off to save the world! The wonderful world we live! That's what I kept singing in my head as we were driving in the Shell Raiser. I tapped my hands on my knee pads as we continued down the road. Mikito and Metalhead were practically buddies on the other side of me. She was even in charge of the disintegration thingy. 

When I heard Raph and Leo talking I zoned in. Something about the plan and the device Mikito had in her hands. "Wait, so… Why didn't we use it last time?" I asked. Last time we were at TCRI Leatherhead disappeared through the portal. We could've saved him!

"We didn't have it last time," Donnie said. 

I looked at him with my bottom lip sticking out. "You have an answer for everything, don't you?"

"Yes, I do." He gave a smug grin.

"Good one, Donnie," Raph said in a rather unenthusiastic tone. "Are you sure this plan's gonna work, Leo?"

"It has to." Was all I heard from the driver's seat.

I spun around in my chair then and faced Mikito and Metalhead. She looked up at me and smiled sheepishly. Was she feeling okay? "Are you shell sick?" I asked her. Her head shook. "Eat too much pizza?" Again with a head shake. "Did you see bigfoot?"

"No, Mikey," she finally breathed out. "Just… nervous."


"I've… not been on a mission like this. Not since the Kraang ship. Even then that was nothing compared to this…" her voice grew softer. She clutched the disintegration thing closer to her as her mostly yellow eyes looked down. "And I don't have Naomi with me…"

"Well… she's hurt," I pointed out.

"I know," Mikito sighed. "But I still like her company when we go out and do things."

I blinked and looked at her a moment longer. She was really torn up about Naomi not being here. I personally didn't care either way. That lizard was scary. The big blue slitted eyes just always watching, never really showing much expression. I don't know what my brothers saw in her if I were being completely honest.

Nonetheless I gave her a grin, "Relax. She's fine. Sensei's with her as well as April, Julie and Kirby," I told her. Each name I mentioned I lifted up a finger. A whole handful of people and mutants watching her. "We'll be back home eating pizza before you know it!"

Mikito's eyes turned back up to me. It was a moment before she smiled right back, "Yeah. I'm sure you're right."

"Of course I am, bro. Er… sis…?" I tried out. "I'm Mikey. I'd never tell a lie." She giggled. It made my heart flutter.

Leo stopped the Shell Raiser a few blocks away from TCRI. I turned in my seat to watch my brothers get up. Wait, what's going on? I didn't hear any conversation about a plan if they had been talking about one. Unless it was still just the original plan? Donnie got up and started coming toward me. I leaned back in my seat as he reached past me to get to Metalhead. He fired up his faithful robot. He then turned to Mikito and offered to hold the disintegration thingy. She handed it over without much of a fuss.

"Is it time to fly?" I asked as I stood up.

Donnie went right back to the middle of the Shell Raiser where him and my other two brothers were getting out from the side door. I followed without getting an answer. Mikito came out after me. Metalhead went to the front of the Shell Raiser and sat in the driver's seat. Leo closed the door. The Shell Raiser revved its engine and took off down the road to continue its trek to TCRI. Before we took off Donnie put on a headset.

"All right, team," Leo said. "Fliers out." Hands grabbed our own straps for the backpacks and we pulled. The wings shot out.

I grinned and spun in a circle like I did back at the lair when Naomi was helping me get fitted. "This is gonna be awesome!"

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