32 - Donatello

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Another weird thing in the beautiful city of New York that I probably had to figure out a way to deal with. Great... Thankfully, though, Naomi seemed to follow. That means more help and the quicker we can get some radars in the air.

As soon as my feet hit the lair's floor, I immediately turned to the lab to start working. As I walked, I could see the plans of the devices working through my head. Some simple radars would work, I was sure. The radars wouldn't work without a device that was synched to them. My T-Phone would work fine.

I never sat down as I worked. Naomi did join me, but Mikito popped in to see what we were doing as well. She helped keep some electronics in place as Naomi and I welded, screwed, and tightened different components together. Each miniature radar took about five minutes to complete. I  total, we had about a dozen for each of the team. Mikito began packing them in bags while I configured the radars to my phone.

Bickering had started in the main room. Naomi left, leaving Mikito and I to finish the work. After the bags were packed, I took one out of my own bag and shouldered it. Mikito took hers and another one, either for Mikey or Naomi, and headed out.

Entering the main room, Mikey was screaming in terror while hiding behind the training dummy. Raph had a fist aimed at him. Leo and Naomi were shaking their heads.

Leo's attention drifted up to me as I entered. "So, what's the plan, Donnie? They're talking about shooting things up in the sky."

"It's not smart!" Mikey agreed nonchalantly. Did he even know what they were going on about?

I held up the radar dish I had in my hand. "That's actually what we're going to be doing. But instead of shooting weapons, we'll be shooting waves of electro wave lengths."

"Also known as radar!" Mikito chirped. She lifted a finger to the sky and smiled. With the extra pack she held, she gave to Mikey. "The other bags are in the lab..." She sounded apologetic.

Mikey took his and then looked at me. I simply continued with my spiel, "Each of us has about a dozen radars to put astound the city. We'll spilt up and place them at certain distances from one another. And if the ship gets close enough to any of them, the signal will triangulate and I'll get a signal on my T-Phone."

Raph huffed and went to the lab. Leo and Naomi followed. Mikito grinned as Mikey shouldered his pack. She turned to me, "How much of that was actual English?"

I kept forgetting how similar Mikito and Mikey were to one another. "Just keep them about ten buildings apart," I told her.

"Can't you do that in the beginning?" Mikey scoffed at me.

Raph passed them and even added, "Seriously, half of what you say pertains to you and only you." I frowned at him as he started to leave the lair.

"Keep your T-Phones handy!" Leo came out of the lab with his backpack on. "That way we can let one another know when we're done."

Without much else said, we all left the lair. Through the tunnels we separated. It was mostly unspoken agreement on where we went. Hopefully the radars were evenly spread across the main Kraang locations.

I went to the harbor to place three radar discs. I made sure they were placed on accrual buildings and not shipment containers or ships. Didn't want a random radar going to Argentina or somthing. I then went deeper into the city to place the last nine. I kept them scattered and I often back tracked a few times to make sure of it.

There was one time I spotted Mikito jumping over a roof top. She didn't see me, but I didn't add a radar where I had seen her. About the time where I had two left to place, Naomi called and said she was finished with placing her radars down. Next was Raph, then Mikey, and Mikito. I was done by the time Mikey called. Leo was the last to call.

"That's the last of them then," I told him over the phone. "The others have already placed theirs. Now to just activate them."

"All right," Leo's voice said over speaker phone. "Then I'll see you all at the lair."

Although he couldn't see me, I nodded and hung up. As I was running back to the lair with my backpack on, it sent an idea through my head. Why should we run and waste energy when I could make flight suits? The wings could be apart of the backpack, handles would need to be in place for balance. To get height and the actual flying sequence, I may have to put fans on the top the wings... And obviously our different body heights and weights. Oh, geez. Naomi's would be so different. She could help then.

With all my thinking I didn't realize I had stumbled in the lair. The others were already there. Mikito and Mikey were playing pinball. Naomi had headphones in and nodding her head to something, probably music. Raph was back at the training dummy, and Leo was... Not here yet. I sighed and looked at my T-Phone to see if there was a signal. Nothing yet.

Nonetheless, I still needed to be prepared. I had a feeling that a signal would go off tonight. Heading to the lab, I went to the Shell Raiser and started her up. Making sure everything was fine, I took up my position and plugged my T-Phone in to wait for a signal.

Everyone else had heard the starting of the engine and came in the investigate. It didn't take long for them to take up their places. Obviously, Naomi and Mikito were still slightly out of place. Naomi proved me wrong by sitting by the music station. Okay.... Mikito was still slightly out of place. She sat by Mikey, though.

By the time Raph checked over his weapon cache, Leo stepped inn the Raiser. "Get a signal?"

"Not yet," I told him. "But I have a feeling we will soon."

"That's all right," Leo shrugged. He took his place at the driver's seat. It took him a while to continue what he was thinking. "We'll take a drive around the city. A signal may pop up by us."

"Or we'll be bait," Raph growled.

"That's part of the plan," the double katana wielder simply smiled at our brother.

The Shell Raiser then took off down the tunnels. As we neared the gate to let us out, I flipped the switch. Naomi turned the music on then. She chose classic rock. It was playing softly so we could concentrate.

As Leo drove, my mind went back to the flight suits. The mechanics would be fun to work with. The wings folding and unfolding, the fuel or energy to power six flight suits, and the possibility to actually get us up off the ground. Turtles aren't known to be light animals when we get big. And, well, we're a bit bigger than average...

I jumped a little as my T-Phone started going off. "Got a signal!" I called. The Shell Raiser slowed a touch as I transferred the coordinates to Mikey and Leo. Mikey so that he could find the location. Leo so that when Mikey got the location, he could drive to it.

Mikey got the coordinates and whined. That wasn't a good sound. "Guys?" He finally spoke up. "It's, uh, right in front of us..." Sure enough, turning to our screens was the Stealth Ship.

"Sewer bunnies," I cursed under my breath.

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