37 - Michelangelo

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After April left, the rest of us turned to Donnie. I bounced to an unknown tune in the back of my head. Because of the tune, I didn't really hear what had been spoken between everyone. All I knew was that everyone was backing up as Donnie let the sub fall into the nearest pool of water into his lab. Then they all started moving toward it.

"Wait... Where we going again?" I asked with a smile. My brothers groaned but didn't answer.

Mikito came up beside me, "Going to the Kraang base?" She said with a questioning tone. "How could you forget so easily?"

"Because..." I paused, thinking for a moment. "I'm that great." I grinned at her. She smiled and shook her head before following the others into the sub.

Climbing in after them, I sat down at the last empty seat. There were handles in front of me. I used them as arm rests, making my arms stretch out in front of me like a cat.

Cat. I wanted a cat. They were soft and playful. They purred and are great companions. I wonder if my brothers would let me have one? I would take care of it! Maybe Mikito would help me? I looked at the pink bandana Turtle. She was staring out the sub window. We were still in the bigger areas of the sewer tunnels. Where was open water?

As if on cue, the open water made the sub jolt. My arms twisted a bit on the squishy handles. A simple adjust was all it took to make then comfortable again. I sighed and looked at Donnie. Had we stopped so soon? Why?

My taller brother turned around from inside the cockpit. Or, as I would call it, the Mikey-pit. "We are currently stopped-"

"No kidding, Sherlock," Raph interrupted him. "Get it going."

"-and the only way to get the engines started is kinetic energy," Donnie continued as if Raph hasn't interrupted him.

Mikito raised her hand halfway, "Kinetic?"

"Basically, use the exercise bikes in front of each of you," the staff wielder answered her, while telling all of us.

I scoffed, "Exercise? Why would I need something like that?"

"Considering the amount of pizza you eat on a daily basis," Naomi turned to me. I looked at her with a blank look. She smirked, "You need it."

"Are you implying I'm fat?" I stretched my neck out toward her a little.

Leo sighed, "Guys! Just focus on getting the engines started, okay? It shouldn't take long..."

"With five of you? No," Donnie reassured us. He turned back to the cockpit and started pressing buttons.

I looked at the exercise bike in front of me and groaned softly. The others had already started. Since I didn't want to get yelled at, I started in as well. At first it wasn't bad. It just felt like any regular training morning or the start of a patrol. Warm ups! Then over the course of ten minutes, it started to burn. It was a soft burn, but I knew if it got worse, that Kraang would see fire with ever step I'd take. It hurt!

"Did you really need this?" I heard Leo gasp.

Donnie rolled his eyes, "I don't have a spare Power Cell laying around to help charge the engines. Kinetic was the only way. Besides," he said with a cheery tone. "The engines should be ready to go right about... Now."

I watched him flip a few switches and press a button. With a jolt, the sub lurched forward. Thankfully there as a back to this bike else I may have toppled backward. Sighing in relief, I leaned back against it.

"Finally," Mikito sighed happily. "How long will the engines last?"

"Hopefully until we reach the base," Donnie answered her. He went back to piloting the sub. I saw a blip oom the screen in front of him. Was that where we were going? It was quite far. I leaned back to enjoy the ride then.

The ride felt like we were flying through the water. Made me wonder if turtles like us could fly. I smiled to myself. Maybe if I could get Donnie to make something like that? I would never come back home. Nobody on the earth would find me! I would be up in the air, high above their view. Well... Airplanes would be a problem. And helicopters... My imagination broke and I sighed. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to not come home with that invention...

"Uhm, Donnie?" Leo's voice was the final stage of breaking me out of my imagination. "Does this base happen to look like a giant sea monster?"

A huge pause in the sub made me look out of the window closest to me. Naomi, Mikito, and Raph was already there, trying to peek out as well. Sure enough, a murky shadow in the water not too far from us was moving!

"Aren't secret bases supposed to hold still?" I asked aloud.

"That's not the base," Naomi muttered. She backed up from the window.

"She's right," Donnie said. "Based on it's physical appearance, I say that the Kraang brought this creature here from Dimension X!"

Beside me still, Mikito gulped. "Okay... So... Then what do we do?" She turned her head toward Donnie.

I turned to my brother as well. Without answering us, Donnie pressed a button on the console of his Mikey-pit. The sub sent out a flare right past the creature. I leaned against the glass to see the loch ness monster lookalike turn and bolt after the flare. Sweet!

"I shall name it... Nessy," I smiled to myself as I leaned off the glass. Nobody answered me as we continued to near the base.

Raph leaned forward on his bike, "So how are we going to distract those guards?" I peeked through the glass again and saw two Kraang guards. Huh. When did they show up?

Donnie grinned as I turned back to my bike to sit down. Hopefully for the last time. He stated maneuvering the sub toward the bottom of the river. Mechanical creaking covered the entirety of the sub. It hurt my ears. A loud clank sounded, a pause, and more whirring as Donnie picked up a large and heavy boulder.

"The thing's waterlogged, D!" I groaned. "You shouldn't pick up such heavy things!"

"You do know rocks can't get waterlogged like clothes, right?" Raph turned to me.

"Oh yeah?" I asked in a challenging manner. "Prove it."

The Sai wielder growled and stood up to come at me. Thankfully, though, Donnie's waterlogged boulder bumped into the base. It sent Raph stumbling back down to his seat. I laughed as the sub was steered toward the top of the base to be unseen.

"All right, team," Leo stood up as Donnie turned to us. "Let's go in, disable or destroy the base, and get out. The longer we're in there, the more chance we have that more Kraang will show up." Everyone nodded. I gave thumbs up.

Donnie opened the bottom hatch and dove in. Mikito, Raph, Leo, and Naomi followed. I was the last one to go into the water. The depth from the water hurt a little. Not like my ears on the way down, though. This pressure sucked!

Leo opened a top hatch on the base. We all piled in. Donnie pressed a button. The water was sucked out of the room. Naomi practically gasped for breath. We all looked at her.

The lizard looked down a little, "Should have left the sub last..." She muttered. I forgot that she didn't have  turtle lungs like us.

Leo waited a few moments before pressing another button to open a hatch door. We walked out, keeping to the walls. I looked out of the base windows, amazed at the murky scenery. Then I saw the same darker shape of Nessy swimming toward the base. Were we trapped now?

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