7 - Leonardo

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The Worldwide Geno Project building was gone. It had exploded with the end of Justin. Now we were a few blocks away, watching the building burn. Everyone was behind me, staring at me. I could feel their gaze burning through my shell. They were wanting to know about Karai, I knew.

I kept quiet, keeping it uncomfortable for a moment. But it didn't take long for an "Uhm" to resonate from one of them. I wasn't paying attention to who but Donnie grumbled, "Sounds like someone needs to explain what's going on."

"I will... At the lair... With Splinter and April.." I sighed, my jaws clamping up.

My brothers left one by one to the roofs and back home. Finally turning away groom the burning building, I left to follow them. The night was calm. Inside, I was trying to think of the best way to explain this to them. It was difficult.

It was then I realized Mikito and Naomi would listen too. Crap... And after trying to get to know Naomi better... I grabbed my head as I walked home. I'm an idiot. She'll think something's wrong with me if she finds out about this. Sighing, I gave up. I need to get over Karai. That was practically impossible though.

On the way home, I was more focused on how to give them belief I was over Karai than my actual speech. Of course, my brothers beat me home. I was expecting that. What I didn't expect was that they had already gathered April, Splinter, and the two girls. Mikito now wore the pink bandana around the top of her head. I couldn't see anything on Naomi. Maybe she didn't pick one?

Sensei interrupted me by clearing his throat, "Leonardo, your brothers told me how you trusted a new girl? Care to explain?"

"I promised I would when I got here..." I sighed. I waited for everyone to get comfortable on the couch as I straightened up and took a deep breath. This was more to help my nerves than anything.

I decided to start off by explaining how I met Karai: After a Foot fight and she kind of ambushed me. I made sure to put in the part where she spared me. Right after that I put in the part where her and I were sparring during the time Raph took the team over for a while. A low growl came from him. I continued to explain where I told Karai to lay off the team and then onto tonight. With a genuine finish, I exclaimed, "I really thought there was good in her! And... I guess... I sorta... liked her." I took a quick glance at Naomi. Nothing. "Go ahead," I finally finished, looking down. "Laugh."

There was a silent intermission for a good minute. Everyone was soaking in the information. I looked over at them. Mikito looked confused. Then again, her and Naomi weren't here for the majority of our adventure. We did recently meet them. Naomi was as blank faced as possible, her expression impossible to read. Raph and April were not amused. Donnie looked dumbfounded and Mikey startled.

"I can't believe you trusted her," Mikey scoffed.

Donnie piped up, "And I can't believe you didn't trust us enough to tell us."

April and Raph shared a sentence each that I couldn't understand. Mostly because Splinter had stepped forward. He looked down at me, my jaws grounding together. "I believe you learned a lesson today, Leonardo. Deception clouds one's judgment and makes them believe something that isn't true. Karai seems to be a master."

"I know," I breathed out, looking down. "I won't trust her again..." I looked back up at him as he was turning away from me. "And I'm glad you're not mad."

He stopped in his tracks suddenly and turned to me with his ears lowered. "Who said I wasn't mad?" As Splinter spoke, his staff was raised enough for me to not react and slammed into the top of my foot.

I cried out in pain as I lifted my foot and hopped to the couch. My balance wasn't all there and I fell once. I heard Mikito snicker. Groaning in pain, I rubbed my foot as I watched everyone leave. Everyone save Raph and Naomi. Raph was watching me with a slight glare and Naomi was back on her phone. That's when I realized there was a bandana on her tail. It was the yin and yang one! My spirits lifted and I turned back to my foot.

"Naomi, come here!" I heard Mikito's voice in the dojo. Her and I both looked up to see Mikito grinning at the entrance. "Hurry, hurry!"

Without much hesitation, the lizard stood, slipping the phone in her pocket, and joining Mikito in the dojo. I couldn't hear anything else. I decided to get up myself, realising how hungry I was. With a slight limp, I made my way to the kitchen. Raph got up and chased after me.

"Hey, Leo." He said, grabbing my shoulder. It made me stop and he stepped in front of me. "Proud of you." He crossed his arms like he was uncomfortable saying that. "Besides, I can see why you think Karai's hot... In an... evil kind of way." He smirked and looked away before looking back at me.

"Oh, don't worry," I tried giving a genuine smile. This was it to show that they could relax a little. "I am so over her."

Raph snickered, "Because you like Naomi?" He placed his hand on my shoulder again and went to the kitchen before I could reply.

I frowned at him. With a grunt, I followed him in the kitchen. It smelled like it had been cooked in recently. Which means there was probably left overs in the fridge. Raph fetched a glass of water as I opened the refrigerator door. Sure enough there was four individual plates of eggs and bacon.

Taking a plate for myself, I heated it up. Raph soon left, leaving me to my thoughts. I could feel my entire body just relax from the tension that left with him. My guess with Raph was the girl topic. Made me wonder what was really going on in his mind. The microwave beeped at me and I was careful with the plate as I set it down.

The food was good and warm. It made the mission seem like a lost memory. Wonder who cooked it? It tasted like Sensei made it. Did he cook any for the girls? Probably, else there wouldn't have been left overs. Missions with the girls... I paused mid chew. What would that be like? Mayhem? Chaos? Organized? Easy?

My thoughts reminded me of why they were in the dojo to begin with. Finishing the single mouthful, I got up and lightly limped to the dojo. The pain in my foot was easing at this point, but only when I stayed off it. Thankfully the dojo was only a few steps away. Peeking in the entrance, I saw Splinter, Mikito, and Naomi practicing stances.

I watched for a few moments, finally realising that Splinter was teaching them basics. Ninja basics. He was teaching the two mutants we know nothing about, or their history, basics?! I looked toward the dojo entrance to peek in again. Would this end badly?

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