41 - Naomi

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With the boys gone to do their mission, us three girls were left in the lair. We were still watching the Jerry Patter series. Mikito had found a few discs not too long ago. They were scattered, but we got the general idea. Some kid was destined to destroy a dark lord with the help of his magic abilities. It was... Actually really interesting. We watched the entire first disc. The boys still hadn't came back by then.

I got up to get popcorn. To do that, though, I had to set Spike down on the couch. He made his weird growling sound, but I didn't pay much heed to it. I assumed he didn't want off me. Wasn't that supposed to be a cat thing? Heading to the kitchen, I went to to the drawers that had the popcorn in them. I got up on a counter to reach the higher shelves. For a short turtle, Mikey really liked putting his sweets up high. It made it super obvious where he wanted to hide them. Then again, the only other mutant in the lair that would steal them, besides myself, was Raph. Such short turtles.

Shaking my head with a chuckle, I grabbed the bag of kernels and put them in the microwave. A simple button press and the process started. In the main room, April put in the next disc. Hopefully they wouldn't start it without me. As I waited for the popcorn to pop, I hummed softly, swaying back and forth on my heels.

Soon, the popcorn finished. Snatching it out of the microwave, I made my way back to the main room. The menu was on the screen. April, with remote in hand, watched me walk in. She pressed play, letting the theme song start. I picked Spike up to set on my lap again and offered the popcorn to the other two. Mikito grabbed it out of my hands and began to chomp on them. Apparently, though, she didn't expect it to be so hot.

"Ow!" she yelped, opening her mouth to let air in. "Das hot!"

I looked at her straight in the eyes, "Really? Did it occur to you that I just took it out of the microwave?"

She paused in thought. Her gaze looked up for a moment, making her look increasingly innocent. With a sudden nod, she looked back at me, smiling, "No."

"Would you two shush?" April hissed at us. I smiled and shook my head but paid attention to the show.

After about halfway into the second movie, movement from the outside of the lair caught my attention. Coming into the lair were the boys. They didn't look at all winded. Which meant that they didn't find any Foot or found some, but found that they were too easily defeated. Either way, they were still energetic.

Mikey hopped up to the couch, "What'cha girls watching?"

"Jerry Patter," Mikito told him. "It's about a kid that was saved at birth while his parents died--"

"Death?" Mikey looked shocked. "No! We gotta watch Space Heroes."

Leo heard his show mentioned and immediately looked over. "Space Heroes?"

"That show has more death than Jerry Patter," I told the nunchuck user. "It's just a cartoon, so it's not as obvious."

Coming up beside Mikey, Leo crossed his arms. "There is not that much death."

With a swift movement, Mikito stood up and pointed at the leader. "Whatever!" Her back went back a little in a sassy-like stance. Offering her three fingered hand, she started naming characters, both major and minor, that have died. There was quite a list. How did she know so much about this show already?

While Mikito and Leo were arguing over character deaths, Mikey changed the show. Space Heroes it was... Raph came up and snatched Spike. He grumbled but couldn't do anything about it. I was fine with it. Raph sat down on the couch by April. As soon as he did, Splinter came out of the dojo and called them all in.

Us girls were free to roam again. I partially loved being not as talented as them suddenly. Chuckling as the boys went to the dojo, Mikito scooted back over to the TV to switch back to our movie. "We win."

"Girls!" Splinter's voice suddenly echoed off the walls. "You will come in here and train while I talk to them."

With a groan, Mikito face planted in front of the TV. I got up and went over to her, patting her shell. "That's why you don't say anything."

"Apparently..." she sighed.

I lead the three into the dojo. Splinter was standing in front of the boys. His ears were flicked back to make sure we were actually moving in the dojo and not faking it. As we positioned ourselves for our warm up session, Splinter started to ask the boys about their mission. Leo, as usual, gave them the run down.

"You four have defeated much of the Foot with ease..." Splinter said warily.

Mikito looked at me confused. Raph seemed to say what she was thinking, however, "Why do you say it like it's a bad thing?"

"Because you have grown complacent!" Splinter's ears lowered in anger. It reminded me of an animal. Guess I wasn't the only one who showed emotion through their extra appendages.

Turning her head toward me again, Mikito asked me, "What's complacent mean?"

I took a quick stretch while explaining, "Smug. They think they're all that in a bag of chips."

"Oh," she smiled, stretching with me. "Do you think they are?" I shrugged. She waited a long moment before she frowned, realizing that was all she was going to get out of me with that subject. Did she not realize they were right there? If we would hear Splinter, then I was pretty sure the boys would hear us as well.

During our mini conversation, Mikey had somehow managed to pull a comic book out of seemingly nowhere. He held it up and nudged it, "What if there was, say, only a comic book?"

Annoyed with the youngest turtle's question, Splinter knocked the comic book, and Mikey, down on the ground. "Anything can be a weapon!" He sighed as Mikey got back up.

Raph was frowning at his brother before he looked back at Splinter, "You can't seriously send us out there with nothing but a comic book."

"For a ninja, anything can be a weapon," the rat advised. I was starting to think this was going to turn into a weapon lesson. Or... Something. Splinter continued, "So I would like you to embrace the unfamiliar: Switch weapons!"

My guess was as good as gold at this point. I stood straight as our stretching finished. April stood to my left, Mikito to my right. We witnessed the boys look at each other with uncertainty. Could it be that hard? I looked at Mikito then April. Maybe it would be interesting for us to switch weapons. Not that I'd share my staff...

The boys switched weapons. Donnie had Raph's Sais, Leo with Donnie's staff, Mikey with Leo's Katanas, and Raph with Mikey's Nunchucks. I turned to April and Mikito. They looked at me and I gestured to them to get closer to the boys. I was sure it would be a blast to watch this closer in person.

Before anything could start, though, Mikey waved his swords up, "Guys! Shh, be quiet. We gotta be quiet." He was mimicking Leo's voice decently. Could go less rough, but, it was a good impression. "Ninjas are quiet!"

All of us laughed, except Leo. He was seething where he was. Finally, he stomped a foot down, "I sound nothing like that!"

Still partially chuckling, Raph looked at Leo, "Yeah, that's why we're laughing; cause you sound nothing like that."

I shook my head with a sly smile. Way to start off this failed attempt of training. I was waiting for Splinter to say Hajamae.

"Enough!" the rat ordered. "Face each other." Us girls stood beside Splinter as the turtles faced each other. Each raised the foreign weapon in their own style that made it seem it was originally their weapon. There was mistake number one.

The tension in the room grew as we all waited for Splinter to say the magic words. Anything to get this going.


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