18 - Donatello

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With two questions not answered, everyone went to bed. We all had a busy night. I stayed up for a little while longer, thinking of how to spy on TCRI. We couldn't do it. We'd need something smaller.

I was too tired to think. Shaking my head, I went to bed too. The lair was dark and welcoming for the time of rest. Entering my room I plopped down on my bed and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up, it was long past breakfast. Yep. I needed the sleep. I sat up and stretched, raising my arms far above my head. Groaning, I got out of bed. New day, Donnie. You got this.

Walking out of my room, I went to the kitchen to find the remains of breakfast. Mikito and Naomi were in there as well, cleaning it up. I smiled at them as I got a bowl out to make some cereal. As I sat down at the island to think and eat, Mikito came up to me.

She looked at me with her two different colored eyes. "Donnie?" I hummed in question. "When could Naomi and I get a room?"

I froze. Has nobody been working on rooms? Where have they been sleeping?

"The dojo is where we've been sleeping," Naomi seemingly answered my thoughts.

I glanced at her but then I looked at Mikito. "Uh... Yeah. Sure." I answered her. Nodding my head, I stirred my cereal a little. "I'll talk with Leo."

"Thanks, Donnie," Mikito grinned. She went over and continued helping Naomi.

So nobody has done much with their rooms. I'm sure someone has at least started them. The extra room we had was just a storage room. We could fit both of them in there. I continued eating, faster than before, eager to help the two. When I was done, I got up and set the bowl on the counter. Mikito took it and added it to her dishes.

I fled to the dojo where I could hear my brothers training. It wasn't hard to distinguish who was winning and who wasn't. Currently it was Leo against Mikey. Leo was probably getting flustered with Mikey's hops and random movements. Peeking in finally, Leo and Mikey were going in circles. It looked like a bullfighting arena to be honest.

As I watched, it looked like Leo needed to figure out where Mikey was landing to take out the younger sibling. Mikey needed to get past Leo's defenses. Otherwise it would be a continued effort and energy would be lost. Eventually, Leo slid under Mikey and tripped him up. Mikey squealed and crashed to the ground. Leo smirked as he got up and dusted his hands off.

"Yamae!" Splinter called. "Well done, Leonardo." He paused. "Donatello, do you care to join?"

"Uh," I started. "Honestly? No..." Leo looked at me in shock. "I was coming up to ask about the girls' room."

Each of my brothers turned their heads away. Looks like they forgot too. Couldn't blame them, though. All this Kraang activity had gotten to us.

Splinter looked at each of us. "Then I suggest you all start on it. Although we have welcomed them in our home, they still need a place to stay."

"Hai, Sensei," we all bowed. Splinter left to the kitchen, probably to fetch the girls to train while we cleaned their room out.

Leo led the way to the spare room. It was the last door from all of ours. If you would call it a door, even. It was busted and cracked. That would probably have to go. Raph took one look at the door, entered the room and kicked it outward. A loud thump sounded as it fell to the floor.

"Raph!" Leo snapped.

The red masked turtle shrugged. "What? We can get a new one."

"And I could use it for spare parts for something," I piped up. "Mikey, could you give me a hand with this and bring it to the lab?"

My brother nodded and we picked it up. Leading the way to the lab, I was careful stepping places. It didn't take long to enter the lab and place it leaning against a wall. Knowing me, I'd forget about it until I needed parts. And that was perfectly fine by me.

Mikey and I returned to the room. I ducked as a box was thrown out. Peering in, Leo was trying to organize some boxes while Raph was moving items toward the door. Guess it was up to Mikey and I to find new places for this stuff.

It took a while for us to figure out what to do with the extra stuff. Most of it was old toys, broken down parts, and trash. The old toys we divided between ourselves and put them in our rooms. The broken parts I claimed. The trash we made Mikey take out because it was probably his stuff anyway. His room was the closest to the spare room and he never cleaned his room. Supposedly, at least. We dared not open the contents of the trash out of fear what Mikey would have in it.

Soon we were all in the room. I dusted the spiderwebs from the corners and closet, Leo swept, Raph was wiping the walls and the few items we did decide to keep in here for the girl's sake, and Mikey was bringing in some spare items from his room that he thought Mikito may like.

"What about Naomi?" Leo asked. "What if she may like something?"

"Does Naomi even like anything?" Mikey asked. It was an honest question, but we all snickered.

"I'm sure she does," Raph spoke up. I realized he was the only one that didn't snicker. "You guys just don't how to talk to her."

"And you do?" Leo asked, almost in a challenging way. Hearing his tone was different. It was defensive. I looked at my brother as he stared at Raph. Did he have a thing for Naomi? What happened to Karai?

Raph spook his head, "No. Not yet, anyway." He looked at Leo with a cold stare. "And what about you?"

This honestly sounded and felt like the ally after that Kraang fight when Leo took out an entire Kraang team singlehandedly. That was right before we learned about Karai. It dawned on me that she may have been the one watching to make Leo act that way. Same glare between the two, and sane pressure in the air. Females.

"No," Leo answered simply. He continued to sweep. I looked at Mikey and Mikey at me. I'm pretty sure Mikey had the same idea as me. Then again, you never knew with our youngest brother.

Shaking my head, I continued to get the spiderwebs out of the room. A small movement in the corner caught my eye. I watched it for some time, waiting for it to hit the light. It was a cockroach. It was quick and disappeared into a crack in the ceiling.

That's when it hit me. If I could somehow suit up a cockroach and control it, we could spy on the Kraang with it! The plan was perfect! They were small, tough, and a common insect in New York to where nobody should suspect it.

Dropping my duster, I ran out of the room and bolted to the lab, starting in on my work.

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