Chapter 14 - TonDC

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Clarke's POV

We finally arrive in TonDC, after a day of travelling. I'll be honest, I was kind of nervous about how the grounders would react to seeing me again, but I figured since I was with Lexa, I was safe. Lexa and I got off our horses and let the guards put them away. We were greeted by a couple of warriors as we entered. We made our way to Lexa's tent, seeing as this was where she was born, she had her own tent here. She didn't have a house since she travelled often, so she decided she's okay with a tent. We put our stuff away in her tent and we decided to go eat with the rest of the people here.

"Clarke!!!!!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and I saw Octavia.

"Octavia!!" I reply.

"I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm doing great actually, how have you been, O?"

"Great, I've been training with the rest of the warriors. Lincoln and I are doing great and Indra, well she's Indra. She's almost like a mother to me."

"That's great to hear. Have you heard anything from anyone in Arkadia?"

"Kane is the chancellor now, he won the election. He's doing everything he can to help us maintain peace with the other clans. Your mom misses you, by the way. Are you going to visit soon?"

"Yes, Lexa and I will be visiting in about a week. We wanted to take a break from Polis, so we decided it was a good idea to go back home and see how everything's going."

"How are you and Lexa?" she asked smirking.

"We're doing good. Don't tell anyone we're together, I don't know if she wants anyone to know we're together yet."

"That's great, I totally ship you guys."

"Of course you do." I laugh.

"Let's go eat something." she says.

We head to where the rest of the people are and we grab a plate of food and sit by Lexa and Indra. They were having a heated conversation about how the village has been doing. After a few minutes, Lincoln came to join us.

"Hey Clarke, nice to see you again." he smiled.

"Nice to see you too, Lincoln." I replied

We finished eating and Lincoln and Octavia went their separate ways. This left me with Lexa and Indra. We talked about what's going on in Polis and what happened with Azgeda. Indra seemed worried that something bad is going to happen, but Lexa assured her if anything did happen, they would pay. I doubt that something bad will happen, with Roan as the king, he should definitely be able to handle the clan.

Minutes later, Lexa and I sad goodnight to Indra and we went inside the tent. Lexa looked at me and smile.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

"About what?"

"Us. We're girlfriends, right?"

Lexa smirks.

"Clarke Grffing, will you be my girlfriend?"

"You're cute, of course I do!" I reply.

"Good, I was scared you were going to say no."

"I would never say no, Lex. Is it okay if others know? I'm just wondering in case they're not okay with you being in a relationship or something."

"Oh Clarke, it's definitely okay for others to know. I don't care about what others think. I am the Commander, they respect my decisions. Besides, I don't think I'd be able to hide the fact that I'm completely in love with you, Clarke."

I smile and I hug her.

"We should go to bed, it's getting late." she says.

"I like sleeping with you, I sleep much better." I reply.

She blushes and we get undressed and get into bed.

"Goodnight Clarke."

"Goodnight Lex."

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