Chapter 45 - This isn't goodbye

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Clarke's POV

This whole week Lexa and I have been planning this trip. We've come up with a list of clans we want to visit in order. I insisted that we leave Trishanakru as the last clan to visit, since I've seen some of it and I think it's the most beautiful place out of all the clans, despite not seeing any other clan beside Trikru and Skaikru.

Here's the list:


- Azgeda

- Ouskejon kru


- Louwoda Kliron Kru

- Delphikru

- Yujleda

- Floukru

- Sankru

- Podakru

- Trikru

- Trishanakru

I insert the list into my bag of clothes while Lexa packs her bag. We're meeting the guards in an hour. We have to say goodbye to Octavia before we leave. I put my armour on so that I don't forget later and I put my sword next to my bag. I notice that Lexa has finished packing and is waiting for me at the door.

"Shall we go say goodbye to Octavia and the Natblidas?" she asks.

"Yes, let's go now, I'm ready. We just need to come back and grab out stuff before we leave." I reply.

"Did you know that I love you?"

"Well, you have said that before, so yes, I am fully aware that you love me." I respond.

"You're cute." she says with a smirk.

"Well, I do spend a lot of my time around the cute Commander of the 13 clans."

"Excuse me Clarke, but the Commander is not cute, I've told you this before."

"I don't believe you. Anyways, let's go say goodbye to Octavia."

I grab her hand and we make our way to the training grounds for the Natblidas. We arrive a few minutes later and we notice Octavia is fighting Lincoln. Octavia has really improved since the last time I saw her fight.

"Hey, look at Ontari and Aden." I whisper into Lexa's ear.

She looks for the pair and notices that they're holding hands.

"I had a feeling something was going on between them." she replied.

We walk up next to the group of Natblidas and they finally notice us. They all smile and run towards us.

"Heda! Clarke!" they shout at us.

They give us a group hug and finally Octavia and Lincoln finally noticed that we took their audience. They walk over to us slowly. The Natblidas let go of us and Octavia comes up and hugs me before speaking first

"You took our audience away, how dare you?" Octavia said.

"You'll have enough time to show off to them, I promise." I reply.

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning, we came to say goodbye."

"This isn't goodbye, it's see you soon" Octavia reminded me.

"We'll miss you both." Aden spoke up.

"Well, I'm sure Ontari will keep you busy." Lexa said.

Both Aden and Ontari blushed and looked away from each other. Lexa and I laugh quietly and Octavia joined in while Lincoln smiled.

"We'll see you all soon, take care of each other." I said.

We start walking to the tower to pick up our things before we leave. I put my sword in it's sheath on my waits and grab my bag. Lexa does the same, but puts her sword in their place on her back. I'm not going to lie, she looks hot with the two swords on her back. We meet the guards at the gate and we get on our horses and leave Polis.

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