•i-i like you•

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Wally P.OV.

I had never meet a girl quite like. She was cute, small and smart not usually the type of person I would go for but she was...different even the thought of her made me go bright red!

She had the perfect shade of h/c as her hair her sparkling e/c brown eyes were so colourful and full of happiness they lid up the whole room and her soft s/c skin that felt like velvet well...don't get me started in that it all mixed together perfectly.

I wasn't with Artemis anymore she broke up with me and I was heartbroken and then I met her

she was a friend of a friend. Her name was y/n queen she was the daughter of Oliver queen but she was so humble and modest.  dick had met her through Bruce and they hit it off immediately. I was honestly jealous of him and how close they were.

I was relived when dick said he didn't like her that way he said he liked a girl named lily Harris .

So today I made a plan to ask her out. I would tell her that I loved her and ask her on a date to the local circus that was coming to town.

Y/n P.O.V

I was sitting in the library with my friend lily Harris I was helping her in maths she's a hopeless case in this subject and I honestly would laugh at all her failed attempts of algebra.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw Wally west...he was well...my crush.

lily suddenly left saying that dick needed her which I knew was not true I mean she would be blushing if he needed her but back to the story

Wally came up to me. He was blushing a brilliant shade of pink and he looked like a mess

i has to hold back giggles that threatens to overflow out of my mouth but luckily I kept my cool and said "hey Wally if you want to know were dick is I don't know"

"n-no I w-want-ted to s-see you
in-nstead " he said still blushing and stuttering it was so adorable!

then he continued "you see y/n I like you not like like as In friend I mean love so
y/n queen would you do me the honour of taking you out and being you boyfriend"

by the end of his speech he had gotten  his blushing under control and he was no longer a bright red tomato.

I was frozen before realising what happened when all the components in my brain started working I blushed a  shade of red that couldn't be described.

"y-yes Wally West i would love to" I finished and then he kissed me it took 1.2 seconds to think what was happening and then I kissed back and then I heard "YAY Y/N YOU AND WALLY ARE TOGETHER NOW GET SOME" and phone clicks signalling it was taking a photo

Lily P.O.V

I was behind the book shelf the whole time with dick and when I saw them kissing I had to yell "YAY Y/N YOU AND WALLY ARE TOGETHER NOW GET SOME"

then after I had exclaimed that dick continued on and said " HEY WALLY DONT DO ANYTHING I WOULDNT DO" then we started tacking pictures and Wally and Y/n had turned around we started to sprint out of the library.

we were half way out of the library till I heard .."LILY GRACE HARRIS GET BACK HERE BEFORE I START RUNNING" in the end I look back and fell over dick but that's another story

Bye bye~

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