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Idk how to do roy just want you to know that so this will be short crappy and roy will probably be OOC im sorry!

Also that photo up there was taking by me...so yea if you like it please tell me!

Y/n =your name
L/n = last name
H/c = hair colour
H/l = hair length

You stood shocker the man you love well loved stood there with another woman and a baby?

You staired at him gwaking at the sight

The man you loved the man that went missing was now infront of you.

Slowley coming to realisation that he had cheated on you. Your eyes became glassy water filled them up hiccups rose in your throat.

You pushed down your tears he didnt deserve to see you like this!

Slowley he turned around and starting gwaking at you to his mouth formed all sort of shapes trying to explain but it all came in jumbled stuttered.

You coulsnt face him slowley you turned around and ran, you ran away from him the man you loved.

You mind was blank your vision hazy you had no idea were you where going but all you knew is that you needed to run.

Head the horn of a truck you tirned to face it frozen in fear you were hit....

Memories flashed by your vision

...your first kiss...
...your first love....
...your little sister....
...the team....
...your mother....
....your father....

It all flashed by on a couple of seconds before you vision went dark.

You saw a endless sea of black. But wait there was a speck in the background you walked towards it now you saw nothing you felt nothing this is because

.....you were dead....

Your little sister p.o.v (me)

'I swear ill kill him how dare him. I hope you die a slow and painful death bitch'

I thought my red and puffy eyes looked towards my sister grave and i promise i will get my revenge

Me and you p.o.v
I hope your happy now


                 .....roy harper.....

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