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Y/n P.O.V
i paced around my kitchen and living room fuming with anger as thoughts about my ex or soon to be ex boyfriend leaked into my head.

'He's so so annoying I hate him I can't believe I fell for him I can't believe i loved him he's a idiot do i dare say it yes I do a assshole he can go fuck himself I can't believe him'

I continue pacing around as I thought back to what had happened.

Flash back

"Hey Damian" I said as I knocked on his door " damian?" I knock once again

i start to get impatient and go to open his door shouting a "Damian you better be decent I'm coming in!"

I entered the room to see Damian in a robin costume snogging that fake bitch called Anne Riley

'W-What!' I think fuming with anger and sadness

"DAMAIN WANYE WHAT IN OZ IS GOING ON HERE" I say looking at him with a deathly glare and then I begin to pace around his room my head facing the floor.

just after I shout that he breaks the kiss
"Y/n it's not what it looks like" he said with sincerity in his voice

"OH FUCK NO" I said whipping around and facing him I look at the guilt he holds in his eyes and not being able to take it I run out

I ran and ran I didn't know were I was going. my eyes over filled with tears begin to blur

All I wanted to do is go and sob in Damian's arms what irony Is it that he's the one that made me cry and her I want him to comfort me.

I decided to go home and thinking about all the information that is overloading my brain.

Flash back ends.

So here I was sitting on my bed with a tub of rocky road ice cream which is half melted and half eaten.

My eyes are red and puffy and my nose is filled with snot but I don't care at the moment I just want to go to sleep and not wake up till I fill better.

Just then I herd a tap then another 'what ?' I think and Looked to my window where surprise surprise I saw it was Damian.

I went over to the window opened it just then Damian came in "hey y/n I'm so sorry" was he crying? His face was red and puffy and his voice sounds croaky.

Oh no this is bad Damian never crys what the fuck is going on?

Happy ending

"hey heyIt's alright I swear I know your loyal and wouldn't do that I love you" I did comforting him.

just then he grabbed me and hugged me
" I'm so sorry y/n I will never do it again I swear she kissed me i never kissed back" he said " I know I know " I say sighing
and we cuddled for he rest of the night

Angry ending

Your silent until he reaches a hand out to you. You angrily slap it away with a huff and say
"Oh fuck no I trust you and you go kiss another girl we are done Damian wanye good bye" and with that he left with out a single world but a few year drops drilling down his face.

I didnt per-say edit it that much
Future me! I edited this...a lot....

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