•i did this•

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Trigger warning: sucide that's it also heart breaks read at your own risk

Edited by the fabulous @The_Whispering_Rose

"I'm sorry..." The girl whispered, tugging onto her best friends sleeve as he faced away from her "I really am..." She murmured, silent tears running down her face.

The boy tugs his arm away from the girl's light grip "We've talked about this..." he said looking at the girl who bore a frown on her face, waiting for him to continue. "I don't like you that way." He says starting to walk away. The girl falls to her knees and reaches out with desperate, empty hands "Why!?" She exclaims looking at the boy as he stops and turns around.

Sharp green eyes look at her " I don't love you I love someone else, someone who I love more then anything." He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose "And why can't you get that." His voice starts to get louder as he becomes more and more sick of this situation. Why didn't she just understand?! "I'm sorry!" She cried as she looked to the ground


A crystal like tear falls to the ground.

Then another.

And yet another until the girl is full on bawling.

"I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you!" she near-screams, bringing her hand to her heart.

The boy scoffed walking away, colder then ever.

The girl stood up shakily and whipped her tears away, running home. She looked at her drunk passed out mother on the couch.

"I'm sick of this" She growled running up the stairwell and grabbing the rope from the cupboard. She walked into the barthroom and started to tie up the rope. Something she had done before, but this time she'd finish the whole process.

Grabbing a pen she shakily started writing;

'Dear The unlucky person who finds this.

I'm sorry you had to stumble upon the death of someone so pathetic. Why are you even here? I don't know. But you see I don't find life to be a great thing I find it to be a horrible game of gods playing with us

All the pain humans go through is sickening its twisted really but, most people are so strong they get through it or some are just to oblivious... I was not one of those people.

My two best friends had left me one because she found someone better and I don't blame her it was my own selfishness that drove her away my other best friend left me because I loved him and I made him unhappy.

I don't really know what else to put on this maybe I should say that I'm sorry again.


Y/n L/n

Grabbing a chair you dragged it up to the bathroom and stood on it putting your head through the noose, you started to scream "GOOD BYE YOU STUPID FUCKING WORLD!" before jumping.

Air couldn't fill your lungs and you slowly noticed the black spots on the corner of your vision.

One second

Two seconds

Three seconds.

And before you new it...

You were dead...

Conners p.o.v

I walked into Y/n's room.. maybe I was to hard on her?

I knocked once.

No answer.

I knocked again.

No answer.

I started to get worried so I decided to slam her door open seeing no one I walked to her bathroom

....only to see Y/n had hung herself.....

I cried for the next three months before I could go see her grave. It still hurt so much, even after all that time, but after all

I was the one who helped do this to her and I would forever regret it...

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