•the club•

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Your breath was steady as music played through out the club. The smell of alcohol and sweet reeked though out the club.

You where more then uncomfortable you felt exposed and uneasy men and woman left and right looked at you Asif you where apiece of meet some just being a ass.

You pulled down your skirt a little more. You saw some supisious men enter the scene  looking at your partner you nod.

You both start to move towards the bathroom to change into your hero costume. Moving through the crowd of dancing people you Spot the supisious man looking at you

you whisper into your com "I think they suspect me" you heard a short curse on the other end.

Something or someone grabs your wrist and turned you around just as you were about to kick them they pinned your wrist to the wall.

You looked up "Nightwing..." You whisper curious to know what was happening. Without a word he kissed you.

Your eyes widened just what was happening? You felt your body go stiff but slowly relax and let yourself go into the kiss.

You both seperated soon later. You look at Nightwing in shock but love "w-what was that?" You ask him touching your lips with a blush.

He looks away sheepishly "that...that was a kiss" he says scratching the back of his neck

"I...I wanted to tell you later but now's as good as time as any....but...I love you Y/n" he says looking away from you waiting for rejection.

Your quiet for a few seconds from shock "i-i love you to!" You exclaim with a blush.

He looks back up happy and smiles at you "good.." he says looking back at you.

Remember what you came he for you cursed trying to find the supsious men not seeing them anywhere you curse and kick the ground.

Dick chuckled "don't worry" he says with a smile "we'll get them next time" 

I might delete this later I'm not sure

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now