•never be the same•

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Photo taken by me ^^

A sigh escaped your lips as the next train went by. Your length green coat fluttered in the wind as your hair whipped back and fourth.

'This is the right place right?' You thought to yourself looking around. Another train went by in a flash the old  sign squeaked.

It was now 5:30 p.m your best friend Wally had promised to meet you hear and hour ago.

It was funny he was one of the fastest men alive yet he could never be on time.

You giggled to yourself but then remember what was happening.
Wally has ditched you simple as that.

You flared at the old poster of a boy and girl having fun. It filled your anger even more when you saw him.

Wally west hadn't ditched you he hadn't meant to send that message to you!

How do you know because there was him and his girlfriend having fun in the snow from the park next to you.

His giggles his laughs they filled you ears as if they were sweet music (Cringe I know) making you less angry.

The anger became less and less until you realised that it wasn't there no more.

You looked at Wally he was smiling and laughing. He had this weird emotion in his eyes your best guess that it was love.

But not for you no you were his best friend. His love was for the blonde girl that sat next to him laughing.

You smilies in content as cliche as this sounds if Wally was happy then you were happy.

You smiled at him once more before turning around and disappearing into the wind little did you know that would of been the last time you saw Wally.


A letter with a big red stamp that said 'IMPORTANT' arrived at your door a couple weeks after the train station event.

Opening it with shaky hands you thought it was bad news. Oh how right you were.

In big bold black letters was the title 'WERE SORRY FOR YOU LOSS'.

You read the letter over and over again bigger and fatter tears rolled down you checks every time you read the letter.

.......Wally had....died.....

You sobbed and sobbed as your knees buckled. You felt to the floor you knees were bleeding and you head was spinning.

"Why?" You mummered "WHY" you screamed a heart-wrenching scream.

Sobbing you stood up and went to your phone to call dick Wally's best friend to find out what happened.

The one thing you new is that you'll never be the same after this.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now