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I'm jealous...

I'm jealous of the kids who can run. The kids who are carefree and don't have to worry I'm jealous of the kids with normal lives.

My life isn't normal...I wish it was sometimes though. You see I can't run I tend to faint if I do this is because I have Asthma.

I can't not worry because my mother is sick. I worry about her all the time. I worry about money and adult things I shouldn't know about.

I'm jealous that I can't go home and sleep but instead get ready to go and work for superheroes!

Well maybe that's not the worst part. I work for Batman -in the bat cave- as a engineer I help make repairs and new gadgets and in return he helps me by paying me and my mother's medical bills.

Oh also out of all the problems I just told you This has to be the worst I have to attend one of the worst school in histories.

Gotham academy know as the "rich kid" school aka the pain in my asses school. Everyone that goes there is a bitch not including my best friend lily she's the only one that gets it.

Now you may be thinking 'why that's a good' school and if you really think that please go over there and leave

And also do you know what's ironic? I have to work for one well two of those asses. Damian Wayne and Tim drake the big bats sidekicks.

I'm in Damian's grade and trust me he takes advantage of it. He makes me hang out with him and he's jerky friends -well I mean Colin's okay I don't mind him- but also enjoys flexing al his shit on me AT WORK AND AT SCHOOL I MEAN HOW RUDE IS THAT?

Even if he doesn't know about my situation he shouldn't do that.

The wind blows and I can smell the expensive perfume all the girls Wear here. My fellow pupils are chatting and I sigh.

The to short skirt I wear is annoying and the blazer is so stiff 'why did I apply for this scholarship again?' I asked myself but then remind myself of the credit it would give me.

I walk through the big blue doors and stare blankly at the never ending hallway I walk slowly down said hallway with all my peers staring at me nastily.

The popular girls comment on how my hairs done into a messy bun and the boys comment on my body none of them good of course.

I keep waking down the hallway my head hanging low and looking towards the ground maybe this was better? Maybe it was better that they call hated me so when I crush them I wouldn't feel bad.

I sigh again and make my way to the classroom as soon as I get they're i slump over my desk and try to catch up on all the sleep I've lost.

I guess somewhere in time I fell asleep because the next thing I know my eyes are fluttering open because of the sound of demonic giggling.

I rub my eyes through my glasses and look over to them to see they had a ...H/c ponytail?.... I snap out of it immediately realising that it's my hair colour and go to the reach behind me to see if my hairs still there.

But of course it isn't I look around at the class giggling and this this was the last straw and stand up suddenly my chair making a scrapping noise against the floor and slam my hands in the desk.

I look evil over at everyone before my hair -which is now just below my ears- covers my eyes "I'm sick of this..." I say quietly

"Excuses me what I couldn't hear you" a girl by the name of cinnamon laughs viciously "I'm SiCk oF tHiS" I yell at her going up to her

She shrivels away in fear "from day one" I start "you guys have been nothing but a bunch of spoilt asses to me well guess what you guys aren't gonna make it anywhere in the world if you don't shape up"

Damian goes to interior me but I put my hand up to stop him "and you..." I say venomously "are one of the worst I swear to god if I wasn't working for your dad I would beat your ass guess what guys" I laugh "you guys are never gonna be anything in your lives your never gonna leave your mark and trust me people won't remember you by your parents so I recommend you shut up and fuck off otherwise reality's got nan hit you in the face hard" I said putting empathise on the hard

"And guess what reality's a bitch" and with that final line I pick up my bag and run out of the room I hear no one go and follow me which I what's is good but it doesn't make me a little sad.

I walk out for the school and to a tree that had been standing outside of the school since the beginning of time I climb up onto the branch that is the thickest and lowest to the group and sigh

About ten minutes later the door slams open and I think nothing off it and go back to my daydream "L/n" a annoying voice says

"What" I bluntly state "chill don't get your panties in a twist" Damian says climbing up the tree to

"You don't get it you spoilt asshole you don't know what's it's like to go hungry or worry about things you don't need to" I sigh curling my knees up into my chest and resting  my chin on them.

"I don't but...you shouldn't have to either" he reaches his hand out and starts to pet my head "please...tell me.." I sigh and start to tell him everything.

Maybe this was the beginning to a friend ship and maybe something more?

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