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Photo taken by me^^

You sit next to Damian in bed and sigh you couldn't sleep so you resulted into easing a book.

Sleeping over at the manor wasn't the idea and although you and Damian had been dating for 3 years you guys didn't to much other then cuddle and kiss but sleeping in the same bed? No that never happens.

You were at Damian's house studying for a project when it started to rain heavily and you were told you wouldn't be able to go him yet -at least not in weather like this-

So you were about to ask were you would sleep when dick had suddenly suggested the idea of sleeping in Damian's room.

You were flustered and tried to disagree but Alfred the sneaky bastard said Kay you would have to since none of the geust rooms were okay to sleep in and while you hardly believe that you sighed and agreed.

So here you were now sotting on the edge of Damian's bed and reading your phone. The luminous light that was empires from the phone touched your features and the soft sounds or scrolling entered your ears.

You did want to wake Damian but you new this was the first proper bit of sleep he had gotten in a while and decided against it.

You sighed again and looked towards him but you were surprised to see a fuzzy haired and sleep Damian look back at you

"What are you doing awake" he mumbles scratching his back "n-nothing" you say blushing

"Go back to sleep" Damian mutters lying back down "I...can't...sleep" you says looking guilty at him.

Damian sighs and grabs your waist and starts to spook you the smell of mint surrounds you as Damian puts his nose in the crook of your neck and mutters the words "sleep" again

You close your eyes and try to stop thinking the warmth Damian is emitting calms you and you sigh and generally fall into a blissful sleep.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now