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I dont wanna do this....
Edited 8th of September 2018
Edited again: 1st of May 2019

Y/s/n = you superhero name
Y/n = your name
L/n=last name
H/c = hair colour
F/c= favourite colour

Your p.o.v

Y/s/h -a name you where public ally recognised and why? You may ask well this was because you where a hero.

your had your typically cliche superpowers flight and levitations you know and recently you had just joined the young justice just before Bart arrived!

the first person who spoke to you was jaime Reyes a.k.a blue beetle. he was so nice and handsome (I'm just laughing at myself right now edit: im laughing at our cringy ass writing right now edit edit: why are we so bad at this?) and that was how a friend ship began.

Time skip brought to you by robins spin off words (STOP)

You woke up oh how hard waking up is you new any minute your mum would be storming up on your room taking your blanket off and telling you to get up

You sighed "time to get up I guess" you mumble as you levitated your clothes over towards you.

today you were going to be casual you decided to wear black skinny jeans, a f/c tank top and a White jean jacket and your converse

when you got up you went to the kitchen to get breakfast but ultimately decided to skip it and instead just grab the lunch your mother had made for you.

You walk out the front door and jump successfully landing on your skateboard and ridding it all the way to school.


Once you got to school you set of to find Jaime and tye once you found them you went to class and compared schedules

you and Jaime had first period together while you tye and Jaime has second together

First period was going to be hell it was maths and oh how you hate that subject and envied anyone who could get good grades.

All through maths Jaime constantly made silly faces and chucks note at you all while the teacher wasn't looking of course. You tried your best not to laugh and succeeded and how greatful you where about that because you knew your old and Cranky teacher would assign you a detention.

Once you finish Maths you had a free period along with rye and Jaime. You and Jaime fresh out of maths walked towards your locker tired as fuck.

And then the karma the school flirt came up to you pinned you against the locker and started making flirty remarks at you. (edit:*LE CRINGE LEVEL4000000)

That's when Jaime being next to you got extremely pissed off and had told him to back off and thankfully he did

"thank for the help Jaime " You said glad he actually cared about you " no problem bruh"( did I spell that right? edit: no no you did not)

'Bruh' you thought angrily with the twitch of your eyes "bruh?!' You then realised that comment hurt a lot becuse this way you knew that he only thought of you as a friend.

"hey y/n was that a window breaking." He said curiously "no Jamie it was the sound of my heart" you said you were about to cry

" y/n what's wrong you don't like me do you" he raised and eyebrow that it " YES JAIME REYES I DO AND YOU BRUH ZONED ME THAT HURT ALOT" you snapped at him but instantly felt bad as tears started to leak their way out of your eyes.

"oh Hermosa I love you to" Jaime laughs and he hugged me and kisses you on the cheek you smile and the two of you make your way towards the holding hands.


I cant keep editing cringy writings BUT I MUST FOR THE READERS

I should just stop writing

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