•now days•

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Photo taken by me^^

You per-say weren't very pretty when you were younger. You had thick black glasses bushy eyes brows, fizzy hair and very pimply skin (I feel like I've offends so many people)

You were bullied a lot at Gotham public school because of your looks it wasn't that bad...okay that's a lie it was pretty bad especially since your crush had bullied you.

You crush was named Damian Wayne. He was always rude and mean to everyone but it was even worse for you.

Now you were moving back to Gotham from central City you were now prettier because you had gotten your eyebrows plucked and gotten contacts. Your skin was now clear and you hair wasn't fuzzy anymore.

You entered the school nervously. you figeted with your fingered and sighed at the ground. The school bell rang and you quickly made you way to class.

When your ensure the classroom stares and whispers were sent your way. You blushed nervously at all the stares and looked at the class. The class blushed and looked away.

You being the confused and innocent bean you were just shrugged and stat down at a table that was empty.

The bell rang and more students walked in slouched at their tables. A hike squealed then another one and another until all the girls in the class were squealing.

You looked up to see what all the fuss was about and saw it black hair and green eyes by golly gosh it was Damon Wayne!

'Holy fucking shit' you thought looking at him 'I need to get out of here I need to get out of here I need to get out of here I need to-' you thought until your thoughts were intruded by the slam or books on a table.

You looked up at the source of the noise to find that Damian was scowling at you 'oh shit...' you thought and looked at him "ummm....hi!" You blushed and squeaked looking at him.

"Hi" his ruff voice said not looked at you but instead at the front of the classroom we're the bored sat with today's lesson. You looked down at book and sighed since you already blew today's lesson.

The teacher came in and looked at the class "good morning class" she said looking at the class entail she spotted you. (OH SHEIT)

"You must be Y/N L/N right?" She asked. You nodded you head "well stand up and introduce yourself" she cheerily exclaimed.

"M-my name is Y/n L/n" You stuttered out "I-I come from central city high but I used to go to Gotham middle school before I moved I hope we all have fun together!" You said before blushing bright red and sitting down.

You looked at your lap in embarrassment as you heard your classmates whisper about you

"Wasn't she in our middle class" ect ect

You looked at Damian who looked at you in shock the bell rang and the whispers got louder

"Wasn't she so ugly before" the voices said  tears made there way into your eyes and you got up and started to run out of the school. You ran and ran past the other students as the whispers got louder.

You suddenly tripped and fell. You knew started to bleed out and sobs made there way out of your throat.

You just sat there and sobbed for a while till you heard your name

"Y/N!" You heard someone scream out again you didn't move you just stayed still on the ground your leg still bleeding out.

"Y/n..." someone said breathlessly looking at you. You still didn't turn around but tries to stop crying.

You felt two arms go around your Waist tightly. The smell of mint (*shrugs*)

"It's okay Y/n" someone you reconised as Damian said

"D-Damian ?!"

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