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Y/n P.O.V

I was wating in the mountain bored realising that beast boy was somewhere I got up to go find him.

I finally found him in his room after half and hour of looking I flopped on him and sighed before screeching "BEAST BOY IM BOARD"

"oof" beast boy said letting out a breath of air he then gets up pushing my to the other side of his bed "what's houdk we do then?" He asks looking at me

"Prank Bart?" I suggest awkwardly looking at him his head shots up and he looks at me with an evil grin "I like that idea" he says "what should we do"

Together my and him start to put ideas until the best one comes to me "I GOT IT"
I exclaim shooting up for my  position.

bb looked at me and asked "what is it n/n" (n/n means nick name) he asked "what if we put super hot and spices chilly flakes in his favourite snack" I said fist pumping the  air "yeah come on let's go" he said taking my hand while I had a lite blush On my face I swear I saw him have one too.

When we got to the kitchen we saw Jamie a..k.a he blue beetle "yo Jamie do you have any chicken wizzers" I asked as he looked at me suspiciously "whyyy" he asks suspiciously "so we can prank Bart" bb said

Jamie looked like he didn't know whether  we were lying or not "I do but you gotta let me in on the prank" he said bringing out a packet of Bart's favourite snake "thanks Jamie now come On" I said gesturing for the two boys to follow me.

Time, skip

When we finished the prank I set up a camera in his room and me and best boy were in nightwings room cause we got permission only if we promised to send the video to him.

Jamie by now had left because he got bored it was only me and bb we sat so close to eachover I could hear his heart pounding what he smelt like.

It was oddly comforting...it smelt like tropics forests don I loved it. I blushed s bit as I turned on the iPad

We could see Bart enter his room and start to munch on the snacked we had left for him  a few seconds later We heard a angry voice shout


and then I herd a zoom and night wings door open I looked at Bb he looked at me "y/n look if we die I want you to know I love you" he said crashing his lips on mine of coures I kissed back then I herd "EWW GET A ROOM"

I looked up to see Bart this was my turn to make a come back "maybe we will later" with my comeback BB started to choke on his spit and Bart was blushing madly running out the room singing "FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT NIGHT WING"

I turned to Beast boy "so...y/n be my girl friend" he asked "yes. I said as we walked out to the kitchen hand in hand to see a very angry night wing "I'll give you 30 seconds"

He started to count down and Beast boy  picked me up bridle style and 30 seconded later we were in the storage closet wt the end of the hall were no one would find us  find us

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now