•cracked pt.2•

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Hi so yeah


you herd you name

You looked towards the door

There he stood

He was Shocked

You were shocked too

Shocked he would even be here

You dropped the knife


It landed on the floor with a loud clang

You sank down to your knees

And cried

You just kept crying

As he stood there

Mouth open

Processing what had happened a few moments ago

And just like that it clicked

He to fell to the ground

As he began sobbing

He crawled over to you and hugged you

Your face in his chest

You two just say there sobbing

The knife long forgotten

Blood was still dripping down your arms

Tears streaming down both of you faces

But neither of you noticed

Sitting there in eachover embrace

It felt nice

But you knew it wouldn't last long

"Why..." was all he asked

You didn't answer

"Please tell me" he whispered

His bangs has over shadowed his face

You couldn't see his beautiful green eyes

"I'm sorry" you sobbed

"I'm so so so sorry" you kept saying over and over

He stopped hugging you and made you look uo into his eyes

His beautiful emerald eyes

"Why" he asked in all seriousness

The question caught you off guard


Why had you done this to yourself

Memories and flashbacks zoomed through you mind

"I'm sorry I mess up everything I'm sorry I'm a curse" you said

He just held you again tighter this time

Before saying

"You not"

Your eyes snapped open

You couldn't cry any ore

Your eyes had run dry

You just held onto him like he was your life line

"I love you" he whispered in you ear bringing you into a kiss

You kissed back

The kiss was filled with so much passion and love

It had all the worlds you couldn't say

You to pulled apart breathlessly

"I love you to Bart"

And from that moment on you knew

You would never lose him again

*crying* this is one of my beautiful  and most emotional oneshots ever *crying even more*

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