dating beast boy would include...

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🐢lots of cuddling

🐢him turning into tour favourite animals

🐢he cant cook for his life so lots of takeout if you cant cook or you doing most of the cooking

🐢when he learns how to control his powers and can turn human he goes to your school to pick you up on his motorbike you faint
-you legitimatly faint
-not even kidding he freaked out and took you to the nurse

🐢always playing video games
-you winning
-Jim complaining that you "cheated"

🐢when you guys play hide and seek he turning into a fish and hides on the fishtank

🐢when he first meets your parents he kept stuttering

🐢you found it adorable and recorded it

🐢lots of videogame comps
-which again you win
🐢fangirling/boying together

🐢he wraps his tail around you heaps

🐢when hes jealous he will just glare at the guy until he goes away


🐢when you go to school he will spam your phone with text

🐢cuddling in bed cause well it sucks to be alone


ill think of more later

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