•soft music•

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The soft plush covers of your
Blanket lays comfortable against your skin.

It's night,
the window is coming through softly through the open window.  It blows the curtain to the left and right but you don't mind.

You head lays on the soft pillow soft sad music plays in through them and with the police and ambulance sirens it goes almost perfectly.

The streets of Gotham city where dangerous- you knew that everyone did- so why was it so compelling to stay here? Was it the friends you and made? The opportunities you got here? Or was it....him...

The man you love. The one that after a hard night of patrol would softly enter your bed and hug you from behind. The same man who would make you pancakes on your anniversary even if they were stupid small ones.

That may be why your eyes are now clouded over with tears. Because he had left without a reason. You remember it vividly.

You had been sitting at the table your head in your hands, clutching your head so tight that you thought it would pop. He leaned opposite of you -his arms crossed and with a disappointed look- Jason neeve did like it when you went out at night.

"I just don't understand!" You scream throwing your hands down in frustrating. This was the start of a fight you both knew that so you continued.

Backs dn forth back and forth yelling is loud hoping to get your point across more.

Until you heard the door shut..

Everything was then silent. You sat in the small apartment by yourself realising that you where now alone.

Which lead you to your current situation of feeling depressed on the bed as sad and lonely music played through your earphones. The many pictures you guys had taken were face down and his pillow here currently holding your tears as you cuddles up to them and cried.

Soon enough you had cried yourself to sleep anD Jason had entered the apartment again. He sighs seeing you such a mess.

Soflty he slips into bed and cuddles to your back knowing your o would fight about it in the morning all he need right now was you. He couldn't care about the consequences.

Soon enough he had fallen asleep as well.

Just something short :)

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