•please dont do it•

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Photo taken by me ^^

Betrayal is something you experienced at a young age...

It first started when your father walked out on you your mother and your older brother. He had left you alone in your house to the sound of a door slam. You being the innocent 6 year old you were didn't know what was going on but when you saw your mother crying on the floor and your older brother comforting her you new something was wrong.

The second time you had experienced this was when your mother promised you who was now 8 and Connor your older brother who was 15 that she wouldn't drink....she broke that promise a month later when you had discovered bottle upon bottles of alcohol.

You looked at your mother in sadness as she gulped down another bottle of Booz. Your brother dinner looked in disappointment before picking you up and taking you to the play ground were you and him would play for hours and hours on end .

Things had only gotten worse in your family your older brother worked a dead end job your mother becoming a sex slave for the man who would pay her -and no she didn't do this for you guys. She did it for herself because she enjoyed the pleasure.

A couple years later is when your brother betrayed you. He had started smoking drugs. He thought that if he could it would be enough to fix everything....it wasn't...when he realised this he left with his girlfriend leavi  you and your mother on your own.

Life was falling apart so many people had left you. You didn't want to live it anymore but there was one light in your life.

Emma copper...possibly the best thing to ever happen to you. She was the one that you could lean on. She would never leave you! You were her best friend after all!

....well that what's you thought...

It was a simple morning the sun was shining and the wind was blowing you had finally made it out of the wretched place you called Home and were walking to school.

Sighing you made your ways up the stairs and to the girl barthroom -you always met Emma there- opening the door you walking inside and decided to go to the bathroom.

You closed the stall door and started to do your business. All was going well into you heard three voices.

...one was very familiar...

"You know she's not even that interesting" the familiar voice informed. "I was only her friend because it was a dare" "oh come on Emma it couldn't of been that bad" a timid voice said '....Emma?" You thought 'no...it couldn't be her!'.

"I Emma copper" the girl started to excalim "hated being Y/n L/n friend" she said full confidence. Tears made there way to your eyes and you started to sob.

Opening the stall door you looked at Emma "...why did you lie to me" you said reaching out for her "EW GET AWAY FROM ME FREAK" She exclaimed moving back " I was NEVERTHELESS your friend it was all a dare I never actually liked you"

Tears rolled down your face your eyes went blank you smiled and closes them tears still coming out of the creases of your eyes " I sincerely hope you burn it hell" you said before running away.

You ran and you ran as far away from your problems you could.

...finally you stopped running as you reached a bridge...

"..is this it..." You said out loud as you looking over the streets of central city "...I guess so..." Standing over the railing you smiled and screamed "I HOPE YOUR FUCKING HAPPY WORLD...YOU BROKE ANOTHER PERSON" taking a deep breath you started to get ready to jump and then you heard three singke words that stopped you

"...don't do it!" The voice cried you turned back to look at the person who said it there he stood in all his glory reddish hair and beautiful green eyes looked at you in pain

"Please don't do it!" He screamed again lurching for you. You made no move to stop him out of shock that someone would actually care and let him in case your frame.

"You don't need to do this" the person who you now identified as a boy whispered in your ear. Your sobs shook against his frame but he didn't pull away instead he held you closer.

"Let it all out" he said "all of it" and you did all the pain and suffering you had placed on yourself for all these years finally left you.

Once you had finished your little session of crying the boy stood up and helped you up.

"My names Bart" he said "what's yours?"

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