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The bright screen reflects in time eyes as it yet again is no longer late night but instead early morning.

Tim yawns and takes another sip of his coffee. His tired eyes skim over various codes and words that contrasted so much to the black screen.

You wrpas your arms around his neck "come to sleep baby" you whisper softly pecking his exposed neck affectionately .

He gives the action a low chuckle "give a minute or two please" he says as he puts down the coffee cup.

You sighs softly but agree letting go of his neck you stroll over to the window and look over the chaotic streets of Gotham the wedding ring on your finger glittering as it hits the light just right.

You smiles at the memory of you both saying your vowels and sharing your first kiss as husband and wife.

Husband and wife it always made butterflies fly in your stomach. The words leaving a small content smile on your face.

Getting lost in through you didn't even notice the arm that wrapped around your waist and the chin rested on your shoulder.

"You ok?" Tims tired voice rang out into your ears.

You nod softly "just thinking..." you hum leaning against him. He chuckles again his chest vibrating against your body. "You can do that in bed silly" he says gently as he picks you up and puts you on the bed.

You go to sit up but his body stops you as he half lies on top of you, his hands running through your hair.

"I love you.." he says gently "I love you more..." you whisper softly as you blink away sleep. He chuckles again "go to sleep sweetheart I'll be here when you wake up..."

And with that you nod and fall into a content sleep. You knew he would protect you and so you could rest easy.

𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now