•hunger games•

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Pls i beg you to kill meh

Edited again: 1st of May 2018

Y/n= your name
H/c= hair colour
H/l= hair length
E/c= eye color

Btw your the daughter of dick and Zantanna no is it a ship them.

Y/n P.O.V

'I cannot believe he's done this!' I exclaim in my mind as I start to rant to myself 'he's dead I can't believe this we promised to go together and he left without me dAmN you Bart!' I think pacing on the ground

my best friend and crush Bart left without me to the last when we promised eachover that we'd go together! 'Why did he have to go without me!' I think throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

'Well there's no time to wait for him to get back' I think to myself as I start to prepare a magic spell to take me to the past

Time skip brought to you by reading operation Cupid

Dicks P.O.V

I hear a crash and the alarm saying "unknown energy impulse" I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

We just had Bart came here a month ago and now another one "shut down cave" I said a slight irritation in my voice.


"nightwing do not I repeat do not go in there she said angry" Bart said from behind me I guess he just wizzes up begins  me? I'm not sure.

"who who is so angry at you Bart" I said already annoyed "y/n" Bart said as if he was a scared  little puppy I walked into the living room and I saw a girl with h/l h/c and e/c who looks as if they are about to commit murder.

Y/n P.O.V

'there he is my farther yay' I think ro myself looking at the young angry version of father.

Now I know I'm in big trouble "excuse me farther but do you know we're a guy named Bart Allen is"

oh lol I called him farther he looks so confused damn this is amusing.

he pointed a shaky finger at himself and said father  I nodded and started to explain quickly "ok so I'm from the future and I'm yours and zantannas daughter
y/n Grayson I'm 14 and Bart is my best friend and he left me in the future and I am now mad " he looked gob smacked like he just was hit in the face I bursts out laughing

"don't worry" I go in "if your worried about having a happy life with zantanna you don't you two do it she get pregnant dosent tell you two years later BOOM I'm at you door as a baby  you take me in we have fun you go on a couple of dates here and there but really it just stays us two"(told you I do not ship it)

he still look gob smacked so i smile Running out saying "okgottogonowseeyoulater"


'I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead she's going to  do to me' I say panicked as I try to fine a hiding spot

Suddenly something appear infront if me "hiya Bart" it says but it's....Y/n? I screech like a girl halting to a stop and going to go and run the other way but I can't because my feet are off the ground with a light purple aura surrounding each and Y/n

"aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhdfgggggggg fuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkk" I scream in pure fear and panic

"wow Bart you swear and scream like a girl-" I cut her off with a kiss thinking it was the best way for her to a. Not kill me b. Confess my feeling to her.

"Aww Bart I like you to so I'll let you have 10 seconds to run" by this time I was in star city running for my life knowing this would turn into the hunger games.

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