•so confused•

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Photo taken by me^^

I stand in a field i can't see my feet I close my eyes and breathe in the fresh air with my eyes close I imagine what it would be like to fly. I breathe in a again.

I imagine gravity just disappearing and I could fly up high like super man and reach for the stars.

I walk forward pushing my way through the big tall yeast fields that crawl half way up my body and then I look to the big bright blue sky.

Things haven't been the same since Roy left..I've been way...lonelier the world feels so small.

I feel like there's nothing to break my fall but maybe that's okay. I push my way through the wheat field longer and reach  a blue old and rusty truck.

The door squeaks open when I open it and I hope in the old cushion deflates a bit but it's perfectly fine to drive in. I start the truck and the truck roars to life I drive it out to the road and drive my way back to star city.

I've been on leave from the team since Roy's Disappearance it's affect me pretty hard and there was to many memories there for me so I packed up my stuff and moved to the country side to get a new start.

The drive to star city was long but not as hard as what i remember. I walk into the arrow cave causally and knock on one of the walls "knock knock" I say timidly.

A sharp gasp is heard and a blind man shoots up from his chair "Y/N!" He exclaims hugging me tightly "a-air" I say trying to push him away

"Oh haha that's right you need to breathe" he laughs whole heartedly, I chuckle along as well.

I then look around at the cave "looks like nothing changed around here huh?" I ask looking at Oliver he smiles sadly "y/n there's something  you should-" I cut him off "can I go see the team?" I ask

Oliver smiles sadly "maybe that's not the best idea right now" he says but I'm already booting up the machine "what do you mean?" I ask looking at him with furrowed eyebrows "why wouldn't it be?"

He looks at me sadly but tries to grin "maybe you should go but promise me..you won't disappear again?" He ask taking both hands in mine "o...Kay?" I say but it sounds more like a question.

Oliver boots up the machines and enters the codes for the young justice base. The machine lights up and I smile at all the old memories.

We beam through to the YJ cave and I look around at the feeling of nostalgia I run through the halls and then hear...shouting?

I enter the door and catch the last bit of a sentance "ABOUT Y/N?" A male voice that sounds like dick asks.

I enter the room fully and I'm shocked to what I see.

It's Roy in a chair tied up with his head hanging low as Connor, dick and aqua lad are questioning him

Tears reach my eyes once I hear the line "I don't know who that is!" Out of Roy's mouth. A gasp that came from me enter the scene and my hands are covering my mouth as tears make their way to my eyes.

'How could he not...know me...?' I ask myself frozen in my spot. Dicks already whipped his head around to see me and looks heart broken "Y/-" he begins but it's to late a huge crash it heard and I run out of the room and into the hallway.

I hear dick chasing after me but I keep running I kept running and running and running till I can't run no more and I fall to the ground sick catches up in no time and wraps his arms around my shoulder.

"I'm...sorry" he says looking at me "you shouldn't fo hear that".

I whipped my head around to look at him "what's going on?!" I cry looking at him with tearing eyes. His face is blurred but my tears and my face is probably red and blotchy but he stills pulls me into his chest and hugs me tightly while whispering calming words into my ear.


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